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Tank Crash Help


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My son decided to empty a full container of freeze dried brine shrimp into my 2 foot guppy breeding tank (my fault for leaving it in reach) and now the water has gone a greenie color. I removed all the leftover food and did a partial water change. I repeated the water changes every few days but the water goes green again almost overnight. I eventually did a 90% water change with the same end result. I've added extra filtration in the form of air stones and have left the light off. None of the fish seem to be unhappy but I can't seem to get the water back to it's original clarity.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Depending on your filter put some filter wool either over or in the intake strainer, that will absorb some of the green. You may also need to rinse the filters wool in some of the water from the tank (put it in a bucket or something) as it will need cleaning out a bit.

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Completely blacking out the tank for a few days can help too.

I have had sucess with:

-100% water change- stressful for fish though

- adding several willow branches- putting cut end in tank and leaving for a couple of weeks letting roots and leaves sprout- takes time but free

-uv filter- completely clear water in a couple of days but costs - Not sure how much in Aussie

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100% wc is a Damned if you dont damned if you do type of scenario.

soemtimes you gotta, and its not good either way but ist a risk you gotta take.

the fact fish are alive is a good thing

for clarity

what sort of filtration you got?

the order of the basekt in there with wool, foam and bio media.

if thewater parametersa re ok, then the clarity will come in time.

i find when i set up a new tank, always has a slight cloud to it, inexplicable white tinge to the water... but goes away rapidly in a day or two.

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