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I doubt it would have a great effect but water has a greater affinity for O2 than CO2 so high oxygen will drive off CO2 and drop the pH. Airation can be used to remove iron from drinking water if it is held in the ferrous (soluble) state by high CO2 as the removal of the CO2 will convert the iron to ferric (insoluble) and it can be settled out.

That suggests that oxygenating water would have the opposite effect of adding co2? Usually co2 makes ph go down when added to a planted tank so oxygenating more could lower the acidity and make the move to 8.0+?

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Yes the lfs showed me the water results . the lfs ask me how far down the filter was I told them and said that's to low.

I rang a person last night is well and told him I had my fluval filter just above the gravel and he told me it should be up by the water level is well so now that i raised the filter up to the water level I can see the oxygen bubbles shooting cross the water so that's got to be a good thing now and plus i will let this filter settle for a while before adding fish.

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Hi guys well don't know what happen been testing the water all weekend in that tank and everything is spot on went to hwf albany and they checked the water is well yesterday and all good I told them about the lemons and they said it was just a freak thing that happen could of been something wrong with the lemons so the said come next weekend and get some different fish like some x ray tetras and zebra danios what you guys think of zebra danios .

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Adding O2 will only alter the pH as much as the CO2 has altered it in the other direction. In other words it will remove the pH decrease caused by the added CO2 and return it to where it was, it will not make it more alkaline as such.

Ahh, that makes sense.

Cliffy - don't take the lfs at their word. I'm 99% certain it was caused by removing the filter full of good bacteria and I'm sure most others would agree.

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oh true I couldn't put back the juwel bioflow mini cause it was dry but the fluval been running since thursday last week .

The lfs said yesterday putting 5 x ray tetras in next weekend what you think.

The last lemon is still alive with the 10 blood fins you think he be ok on his own with the blood fins.

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ahh, i replied to your pm before I read this. If you're starting from scratch with the new filter don't add any more until it has cycled.*

Have you got a test kit or are you going to hff each time to get the water tested? I highly recommend buying even just a cheapy to test ammonia and nitrate.

You're going to have to wait for the cycle to complete again*, or at least until you have a 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 5+ nitrate test to prove that something is converting the ammonia into nitrate showing a completed cycle. I wouldn't add any more fish until the cycle is complete. The one little guy on his own will be fine.

I would recommend doing 5-10% water changes as often as possible (daily is best).

*you can of course do whatever you like :) 6 or 7 tetra in a 60L tank is perfectly ok for cycling, just look after them and do regular water changes and dose with prime if/when the ammonia / nitrite levels go up (it can cancel the affects of ammonia) if you feel you can't wait. The only reason I offer my advice is because I have a tank full of fish that have had a bloody hard time living through a cycle and they're still not right because of it. I'm in no way an expert but I wish I had listened to the experts and not given in to my impatience for the sake of the fish.

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yer i see what you mean there i just letting it recover now and settle down i was told takes a month to settle but just wonder if the one lemon tetra can school with the blood fins as the 10 blood fins a ok in the tank.

The ammonia is sweet it's 0 the kh is sweet and nitrite and nitrates.

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I think your lemon tetra will learn to school with the blood fins although most likely not as close, I've had some very mixed tetra schools made up of older fish from groups that have died off over time leaving individual fish that have joined bigger schools of other tetra quite well. It would however do better with other lemons one would think, I just wouldn't add anything more until the filter is sorted. :wink:

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