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How to move a lot of tanks


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Wow that's a lot of carp for $10!...

Nice one Josh! :D

I'm pretty stoked aye. Will probably clean them, leak test etc etc and use the decent sized ones to replace my odd sized tanks then onsell the ones I don't need for a profit. Make some more money to buy more things that I need :lol: This is even better then the 5-2-2 tank that I got for $50 haha

I'm wondering which pet store has just replaced all it's tanks or closed down.
I imagine it would have been a breeder. 18-18-15 is a good size discus spawning tank (i think) and the sides are painted

(edit, 1000th post :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: )

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lay on the blanket you will put on the floor of the van upside down so that the edges of the tanks slightly dent into the blanket and stop them moving.

Use crunched up paper inbetween the tanks and use masking tape to hold them together (remembering that the crunched up paper will hold them apart). If you need to stack some on top, again a blanket but this time stand the tanks up side up tape together again with crunched up paper.


you do this as you will rearly out drag the tanks but can out stop them

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