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Rainbow Shark and a Choc Zebra in same tank?


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I've always wanted a rainbow shark for my tank but have been very patient and waited so he could be the last addition and to give my Choc zebra and little whiptail some growing time first.

I'm just about ready to go looking for a young shark but I was at animates the other day and they told me "no" I can't put a shark with a plec.

I know a lot depends on the individual fish but when I asked last time, some people said yes , some just said be careful.

I would hate for the shark to go and start owning the tank and scaring the choc zebra into hiding or hurt my whiptai for that matter. I'm having second thoughts - what are peoples opinions.

There are three pieces of driftwood, a cave and a tunnel and plants in a 170L tank.

The tunnel was bought with the shark in mind but my zebbie likes to go in there sometimes too.

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that sounds encouraging guys. I will make sure to get a small one so he can grow with the others.

I saw some nice dark bodied ones out west auck a few weekends ago, and will also check out HFF. Sometimes they look grey but I like the darker ones!

Pity the redtails are are more aggressive.

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that sounds encouraging guys. I will make sure to get a small one so he can grow with the others.

I saw some nice dark bodied ones out west auck a few weekends ago, and will also check out HFF. Sometimes they look grey but I like the darker ones!

The grey ones you saw may have been stressed at the time. They go a lighter grey colour when stressed.

I guess too if they are raised in a community tank they are less likely to be aggressive to tank mates :)

Not always. I had mine since he was a juvenile, and he recently became agressive towards a larger zebra loach, a species of which he had been living with for quite some time. Mine used to patrol ALL of the hiding places in my tank, chasing any fish that was occupying it. He had to go. Now lives in the local vets tank with a bunch of guppies and bristlenoses. I think it was a case of my tank was becoming to small for him as he grew.

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