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Heated Rocks for reps


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yeah they arent good for reps that dont take heat from the belly - what happens is they sit on the rock as its usually in the basking area under a lamp, and they get burnts as they cant feel the heat therefore wont move when it gets too hot.

or something like that. ive always made a point of steering clear of them. Heatmats or bulbs are always better options.

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i dont see how theyre any different to heatpads/mats. best used with a thermostat imo as they may overheat.

may depend on what you want to use it for.

i prefer heat bulbs or emitters myself but that just personal preference

On that subject, I might start running a day glo bulb rather than an emitter, a dimmer thermostat will be better than a pulse ay? Pulse stat will make the light go on and off constantly!

And run a heatmat on a pulse stat.

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i dont use thermostats at all, but my area outside enclosures is temp controlled so same temps day in day out (no over heating on hot days) etc. just adjust bulb wattage to get desired basking temp. i just use spot lights from bunnings.

what you suggested sounds to be bang on..where are you getting said thermostats?

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For dragons like beardy's etc. They don't have many heat receptors on their underside so heating from below they do not feel, If i the heat rock did over heat they would not feel it in time and get burnt. Something like a blue tongue skink or leopard gecko will feel the heat rock if it were to over heat and hop off, Exo-Terra has a thermo stat and is water resistant other heat rocks like reptile one i have noticed say nothing about a thermo stat and nothing about being water resistant or water proof if say a wet water dragon decided to sit on one of these it could get electrocuted. Hope this helps :)

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still just using mirror demisters for heat pads
i picked up 3/4 not so long ago for $6 each (about $30-40each in bunnings :o ), not sure why i purchased them other than the price :D

what temp do yours heat to, mine seem to get to about 35C, maybe slightly less with artificial turf ontop. I use a thermostat if using them as paranoid they may over heat....they are low wattage though so maybe safe. cheap to run.

Herperjosh i think beardies do feel bottom heat reasonably well just based on observation. Still if its too hot it will burn any lizard, thats why i dont like heat mats and or heat rocks as theyre known to get too hot, so any lizard could get a burn. need to be pretty darn hot though.

heat rock under basking light gets warm, so you effectively get heat from below and above, = double toasty :D

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Heat pads and heat rocks cannot have the heat controlled unless the thermostat is in contact with them. They generally rely on a low power input to keep the temperature down so if the location is well insulated or the background temperature is very warm they will get very hot. This is why you may need to use different sized bulbs at different times of the year if you are using them to heat insect breading setups.

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what temp do yours heat to, mine seem to get to about 35C, maybe slightly less with artificial turf ontop. I use a thermostat if using them as paranoid they may over heat....they are low wattage though so maybe safe. cheap to run.

30c under sand and astroturf

waterbed heat control pads are good too

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dimmers arnt thermostats. they basically just dim to desired level by manually turning the nob. marswel just get a higher/lower wattage bulb imo.

you can get dimming thermostats, they actually dim the light to get desired temp. or pulse as per this auction http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing ... =318610270 thats the first one ive seen in nz..

can get on ebay or australian distributer http://www.herptrader.com.au/ may need to check power supply if getting on ebay, i assume aussie use the same power as us, just need a plug adapter?

Habistat thermostats are suppose to be very good from waht i can gather. I'll probably get one for the next incubator i make.

If using a thermostat, just dont go over board with the heat lamp, like use a bulb that if left on (thermostat fails) will only get say 5-10C more than what your aiming for.

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