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Yummy live food


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Geez Ira those are the most awful photos I've ever seen - talk about disgusting! Tell me what I'd need to do to grow some for my fish please?

That's if I can stand the thought of worms GROWING in my home! Reminds me of the old days - my mother with a torch in the middle of the night........

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What do you mean, "the old days" Dawn??

I still go out with the ice-cream container plucking night crawlers.

In season I also do the snails for my big cichlids and turtles.

I get a laff when I realize that the neigbors are watching and I call out to the wife and say, " I only need about ten more worms and four more snails for thart stew your making dear".

Well they are allowed to eat rotten corn and perau mussels.

Alan 104

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Go for a walk in a park at night, wear dark glasses and a great-coat.

Don't forget ya torch and ice-cream container.

You may end up in a tight, cross-over arm jacket.

But hey !!

Wot the heck !!

If ya don't, look at all those wriggling wormies.

Then to save your self a trip to Ward nine again.

Start ya own worm farm.

Stash it under the kitched sink, not far to go to feed them then, you know, kitchen waste and all that.

DON'T use those tigerworms tho, the fish don't really like them.

Alan 104

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Thats real cool ira!!,

i could not get as nearly as close up as you have :(

i hav white worms in those quantities aswell but not in a culture :( ........

in the garden :lol:

and all i need to do is place a piece of bread on the surface next to my compost (on the dirt so as i dont get all the fruit an grass clippings an veges n stuff) and sprinkle some soil over the bread to stop the birds seeing it

then moisten and wait like two days...........and there i have it.....

i peal back the bread, scoop up the whiteworms and the soil and make a ball of them then put it down on a icecream container lid and all the worms go into the center....so after like two min i scrape the outer abt two cm of dirt away and am left with a ball of worms abt the size of two eggs put together. :D

the rest of the dirt gets rinsed away by a series of rinsing.

THE END...lol.....i thought this could help ppls anyways.. :lol:

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Wok, I have them in one of those polystyrene boxes about a foot by 2 feet or something. Those worms are just from a 2"x2" ish section of dirt. I just rinse them by putting them in a cup, blasting them with water to get them and the dirt all stirred up. Then pour off the water which pours off a lot of the dirt and the white worms collect a bit higher than than the dirt, sweep those out into another container with my finger. Repeat until there aren't many worms left in the dirt. Dump that dirt out, dump the whiteworms back in the original container and repeat until they're clean enough.

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I've heard you need to sort of aerate the mix by having some drain holes at the bottom, but then I thought the worms would escape through them. Do have anything like that on your polystyrene boxes Ira? Do you change the dirt at times? Also one more question, what kind of dirt is it?

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