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Thats not a knife, this is a knife!


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But what type?

Got him today for a bargain, a bit battered from it all but hes fairing well. Took these pics without the lights on the tank so he would come out, sorry bad pics but it shows the colouring, head and tail. Body looks like a clown but no spots.

Impulse buy so I havnt exactly researched these well....



Hes already evicted a pleco and has a cave, munched back a few bits of ox heart too so Im pleased he seems to be settling in so quickly.

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Hes about 25 - 30cm

I have no other knifefish so this will be the only one if I decide to keep him.

Sorry about the glass p44, but the cats fishing spot is right above that part of the tank, I cant be bothered cleaning the water marks off daily.

Notopterus notopterus looks about right, thanks a bunch people.

Not sure if Im going to hang on to it or not, will see how he gets on with the other fish.

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Looks like these guys are just as bad if not worse. Heard of them cleaning out entire tanks of african cichlids. At least nothing in my tank is small enough to be lunch but I think I should still keep an eye on things and check his tank mates each morning. Price was too good to resist.

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he's a cool fish but I'm leaning towards not keeping him at the moment, not that hes caused any trouble, but I have so many nocturnal fish in there it might be better to use the space he would take for something a little more out going.

So hard to get a pic of him too, even when he keeps still. I guess I should think about cleaning that glass one day before p44 knocks on my door with Mr Muscle and some news paper.



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i had one, they are agro - but he is battered maybe hes a wuss as an example:D

but generally i find them more agro...

in saying that, if you have othing else in teh tank, then im sure its fine!

Lol yeah, he hasnt been naughty yet, but Im thinking its only a matter of time. Though who he chooses to tick off could work out to be very bad for him.

Already getting a lot more interest in him then I thought I would, I think I'll decide tomorrow if hes in or out.

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