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what fish can go with puffers?


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  • 5 months later...
small danios? fast moving small schooling fish.

Oohhh.. Probably not such a good idea. I've had a fig. 8 puffer before and he was VICIOUS. He used to bite the tails OFF my bichirs so he had to go lol. Their tails did grow back after a little while, poor guys. So yeah, don't put any fish with a puffer unless it's too big to eat/ has a tail which cannot be bitten off/ can move really quickly. I think schooling fish are a bad idea because all the puffer needs to do is swim into the school with an open mouth - he's bound to get something! Ideally, puffers should be kept alone, methinks.. (I know, it's not as cool..)

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They will be fine, i kept everything from small ancistrus to tetras and guppy's and never lost a fish. Not to mention the small volume tank and the group of puffers i had, you may not have the same experience but from keeping them i found they whee far to slow to do any real damage and the only aggression witnessed was between males (never resulted in injury) and during feeding as with all fish a simple hierarchy.

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Oohhh.. Probably not such a good idea. I've had a fig. 8 puffer before and he was VICIOUS. He used to bite the tails OFF my bichirs so he had to go lol. Their tails did grow back after a little while, poor guys. So yeah, don't put any fish with a puffer unless it's too big to eat/ has a tail which cannot be bitten off/ can move really quickly. I think schooling fish are a bad idea because all the puffer needs to do is swim into the school with an open mouth - he's bound to get something! Ideally, puffers should be kept alone, methinks.. (I know, it's not as cool..)

bichirs are very different to danios.

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bichirs are very different to danios.

I think the reference was in regard to there outgoing confidence, anything that doesn't move will be bitten regardless of size, the dwarf's seemed extremely inquisitive. But yes there is a big difference between the size of a figure 8 and a dwarf and could imagine a figure 8 eating a danio but not a dwarf. I never found fast moving fish to be of an issue unless the tank was under fed where the faster fish got all the food.

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I think the reference was in regard to there outgoing confidence, anything that doesn't move will be bitten regardless of size, the dwarf's seemed extremely inquisitive.

Haha, thanks rabbit, that was what I meant. I was pretty surprised that the puffer was brave enough to take on the bichirs.. Probably the equivalent of a ten year old punching David tua lol..

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Oh, something else that came to mind..

I hope you've already heard that you can't use a net to transport puffers, it's better to use a container so that the puffer is not taken out of the water. I've read of cases when puffers were transported with nets, got stressed and gulped air. If the air is not expelled the puffer eventually dies.

Just in case!

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