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My 60cm Aquascape


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Since it has low light, I would like to try grow some mosses and java ferns etc.

Maybe some dwarf sag in the back. (If it is the stuff that grows tall..)

Could add some anubias nana? the small stuff? If I can get a hold of some.

Fish: My Spiny Eel is in there, and I might add some other fancy tetras or killies eventually.

I quite like the wood in the middle, but I feel there is something missing on the left side...

Let me know what you think.

I'd quite like to keep the stuff I have in there rather than go get other stuff.

Would like more of a Nature Aquarium style so suggestions of something else will probably be ignored. :P

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Yeah, background.

It's just a black piece of card taped to the back for now... Will spray paint it once I get around to it.

I'd go all out or not at all with this tank though.

You referring to the background...? I'm confused. :-? :lol:

Big bunch of java fern and another bunch of java fern. :wink:


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I had dwarf sag in a 60cm and some leaves grew to about 25cm tall, so if that happened in your tank it would be a good intermediate length to go with your other plant 8) . I don't think there is anything missing on the left side.

Cories would love it in there with the sand, they would snuffle about and wink at you - peppered cories are cheapish and their colours would stand out against the sand. They also like lower light.

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Alright, so I got a bunch of java fern and anubias on its way.

Have received some xmas moss, S. Microfolia, and riccia which I have added also.

Have bought some midnight gravel and will get daltons propogating/aquaticmix tomorrow.

I still have silica sand of course and was wondering whether I should change it to all black, black sides with white "river", or black mounds with white center...

White center like this :http://img129.imageshack.us/i/img1698uw9.jpg/

or "river" like this: http://faao.kicks-ass.net/Fotos/Plantad ... 1HiRes.jpg

Let me know.

Will post pics of current layout/update soon.

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You do have flair, ill give you that. :D

I personally would have had the path going from the front right, to the rear left (not extremes of-course, just offsets); wide at the front, narrower at the back.

I think it looks great though. Well done. I do not do highly organised tanks very well.

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  • 1 month later...

I agree with what p44 says.

Prefer a few nicely scaped ones. The more hiding spots you have the more fish you can have too. Which requires less tanks.

But more importantly, I't not sure if I like the sag in there, I quite like the idea of a moss tank and this is the first time I've got it to grow lol. I might source me some more moss, and go for that Kind of layout.

But funds first.

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  • 5 weeks later...

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