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Planted killie tank log with pics..... Take 3!


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I don't have any to spare really as I'm trying to grow it longer but if you want I will pop down to HFF and see if they have some left - I will split some with you and you can just pay for the postage?? Send me a PM with your address if you want to do that.

Killies have a thing about jumping and squeezing into spaces they shouldn't.

Took the filter out for another poke about and found the most obvious holes - because I have it stuck to a pole, 2 of the suction cups on the back were not used. Have plugged those holes with the other cups. I'm doing an experiment at the moment where the filter is actually stuck to the glass so we can see how noisy it is - at the start it was louder than a fridge but it seems quieter now. If the noise level is acceptable I will leave it there and there won't be so much worry about the larger fry going around the back and getting in where the wire is. Little fry are fair game no matter what I do because of the holes on the front. Hopefully the filter will be OK on the glass as I will gain a good handful of extra room for plants :D

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An exciting day in killifish land today, after making my first batch of crypts wait a few days to get planted (and yes there were meltings), my final batch of crypts arrived, so I rearranged and planted it all. Some new JBL balls went in too. Water is still rather cloudy so will post pics later in the weekend.

The tiger lotus got moved to the filter side to make room in the crypt rock garden for wendtii brown and beckettii. Twisted val may have to be moved again, I'm not sure it will get enough light where it is.


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Today's update: 1 freshwater river shrimp is the latest accidental inhabitant after it escaped the killie watching eye yesterday. I'd put more in but I worry about them eating the eggs.

Also got some microworms today, tiny they may be, but they keep the fry busy for ages, hunting them down and chomping them. The beauty of it is that the worms are so small the other bigger fish and fry are not interested so the small fry get a meal all to themselves for a change.

Current fish menu - dried daphnia, dried and frozen brine shrimp, white worms, grindals (when they take off again, these I don't have too much luck with), frozen bloodworm, tropical flake food with dried mystery worms. Soon hopefully some live pond bugs when that tank gets going.

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Tank update

Decided to show some photos while the crypts are recovering so I can record the growth.

Along the front of the log is a line of wendtii brown, and a beckettii in the far right corner. There is a beckettii behind the log that should grow out.

Twisted val all moved in front of the filter where it appears to be doing alright.

Walkerii must have had it’s roots disturbed in the replant as it melted some leaves so is looking smaller.

Ambulia still along the back, thinking to replace it so I can remove the hairy algae that is slowly getting to the lower leaves.

As you can see the lotus has been moved so it looks bare in the rock garden. This area is packed with crypts and dwarf chain sword.

More moss on the log and ferns hiding underneath are growing new leaves more rapidly now, I think they have finally acclimatised.

Am happy to have the filter on the back wall now and have finally got a piece of sponge in the biggest fry sucking hole.

Shrimp still alive!







And a picture of the underwater garden gnomes


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I just don't have enough space to set up lots of little killie tanks and my other tanks. I'm only allowed 2 set up at a time, and I want to do a larged planted jungle/Dutch/ADA tank. But when I have my own house I'll be able to have tonnes of killies :bounce:

At the moment I'm thinking of getting some Altum Angels to breed and sell to fundraise for my planted tank projects.

I love these killies! I wonder if they're availible in NZ?


Scyptaphyosemion cauveti 'Logan Bar'

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I'd like to see some of your tanks Joe

As I said, I'm only allowed two set up at a time. Currently I'm just gathering money and I plan to try and get round to setting up the breeding tank these holidays. So I only have 1 tank set up (150 liters) with plants (all in large terracotta pots, moss and ferns on wood) and a few fish (9x Trigonopoma pauciperforata colour varient, 9x Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi, 4x Hyphessobrycon heliacus, pair of Golden Bristlenoses). I'll try and get some good photos and start another thread.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Since last post I have removed the shrimps back to their bugs tank and we are now back to fish and a few snails. I think the salt in the water inhibits the snail population taking off, I regularly find white shells and partially transparent snails whereas in my last tank with no salt they just grew and grew.

Also got some more twisted val, will be rearranging the long plants on the weekend so will post plant photos later.

Click on the picture to see a little video of some silly killie business.


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  • 3 weeks later...

So the killie tank now houses the 3 males - a big difference in the tank environment now, each fish chases the next one smaller than it, the smallest has become a master of disguise by losing his colour and blending in with the driftwood. Makes feeding a bit harder as I can't see him, but I find some carefully placed bloodworms have disappeared when I go past the tank again.

Plants are doing well, all the crypts are regrowing and I have counted at least 20 of them.

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Sounds awesome Sophia...... still no sign of my babies since the last sighting, did dream about them last night though lol

I'm hoping they are just hiding out somewhere until they are bigger... I hope I didn't didn't do the wrong thing putting them in the main tank :tears:

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