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New Oscar setup with sump.


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Hi all,

I am closing my marine tank and are going to start an Oscar tank.

My tank is 1450mm long x 750 deep x 750 wide

I have had a marine tank now for a long time and are tired of the cost of power and collecting salt water etc. Last months power bill was $485.

So its time for a change....

I am going to move my sump up stairs and make a new one which will be the main filter, I will need a hand to design this. I want a low maintance tank..so it will have auto water change and water top up which my marine tank also had.

I have a L7 return pump at the moment fron under the house, this might be to large for the sump under my tank.a>

I have removed 2 x 250W MH and kept 4 x T5's.

alright... I will post a couple of sump ideas tomorrow after i have scanned then at work.

The following is after removing corals from one side ... and selling them.. only a couple of fish to go.


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Have a search for sump designs, I've posted a plan of my sump countless times and can't be bothered looking through my photobucket album to find it again.

Auto water changer isn't difficult, Henward has posted a good thread about his system somewhere not so long ago.

4 T5's sounds a bit overkill, 2 would be plenty (obviously with oscars this isn't going to be a planted tank...)

What are you planning to stock it with?

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Thanks for your post.

Seems like the best way to go is wet and dry... the dude at Hollywood suggested that I would still need a $600 canister filter to run this tank. I am hoping that I do not need to do this, I would think a sump filter properly built will do the job.

The area under my tank is about 700mm high.

The sump can be

900 long

490 high

550 deep

This leave enough space to access the sump and have a tower above it such as david has in his drawing.



I like the tower and then some removable spounges before the return pump... would also like to include a live food breading area...

Any ideas

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What a shame to pull your marine tank down :( But can easily see why.

A sump will do a great job of filtering the tank, and the oscars should be really easy care, although it would be an awesome sized tank for a whole heap of africans :)

I agree the lighting will be alot and will probably just grow algae if you have no plants in the tank..

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Time will tell regarding the light but I have the T5's and will run 4 to begin with.

Tank looks so dark after running the 2 x 250W MH.

Found a sump design that looks interesting, it has a sloped bottom where all the crap will fall and a drain... how cool.

This looks perfct...



I have drawn up my version and will now need to draw it to scale and get it priced... will scan and post tomorrow.

Where do yo buy the egg crate / plastic stuff with holes in it?

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Keep the MH lighting. Algae should not be that much of an issue, apart from when you get your nitrate spike.

All you'll need to do is change the spectrum of light if the bulbs are above 14000K. 6500K and 10000K is good for a halide. Let the T5s handle higher spectra.

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Found a sump design that looks interesting, it has a sloped bottom where all the crud will fall and a drain... how cool.

Only problem with that is it has to get thru all the noodles first and clog them up. I've been experimenting with settling chambers before my sump on my 800L 6' tank, currently running a 3' tank with a few baffles and it certainly catches a lot of crud. Still need filter wool though.


Not sure why you'd still need a canister with a well designed sump, would be nice to help polish the water, but not necessary...

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that is one serious tank.... hows it going... looked at your thread and know what you mean about all the unexpected things that can happen.

Howz the sump now?

Common senese tells me to buy an FX5 Fluvel or Eheim 2080 and be done with it...

But no... I want more water flow...

The Fluvel FX5 has 25l of foam and 6l of bio media and 1991L flow through media

The Eheim 2080 has 12l Bio and 2l foam and 1207L flow through media

I have a laguna L7 which has been replaced with a new maxi flow pump... same insides as i have just replaced the impala.. and flow rate is about 7000L per hour... obviously less through the media... lets say half.. at 3500lph.

My sump will have 30L foam and 45l BIO... Should be enough.


a review on the above canister filters

Here is what I am thinking and its in scale...


Anything I should change?

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Howz the sump now?


Anything I should change?

I had a centre baffle crack because of insufficient bracing (the tank makers mistake, not mine!), then that stressed a corner seam and it started leaking, and now I'm certain that how I've designed the mechanical filtration isn't going to work as the wool etc will be too restrictive. Could use a big canister as mechanical to bypass that stage, but that will also be more money. Kind of ignoring it for now, the whole thing is a bit depressing really, scared that if I fill it up and it leaks for a third time I'll drown myself in it....

I'll be interested to see how the settling bit works. Only flaw I can see is that all the media is underwater, ideally a mix of wet and "dry" media would be best, will still work though. And the baffles between the heaters and pump don't really seem necessary, other than that it looks good.

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I haven't been able to find any plastic "light diffuser" stuff, only aluminium, phoned most of the big air conditioning places in Auckland, they only have the alu stuff. The hollywood stuff is good, but not cost effective for the amount I would need for a big sump. Thin strips of glass are probably the best option.

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