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discus planted tanks.


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Never used it in any of my semi planted tanks. Never seemed to need it, barely any algae at all in them, just a hint of it in the crevices of some rocks. Yet, my marine tank which I DO use phosphate remover in...I think there's more mass of algae than rock...

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Thanks for the nice comments.

On the question of phospate remover i have never used it in my tanks.

The tank that i posted the photos of has been set up for six month now.

At first i had a problem with algae but this was expected with a new tank.

I had planned to only run a external filter for water movement but due to the problem of algea growing on the water surface i added a airstone.

I used silica sand for the substrate which the plants seem to not mind as they are growing well. Have been adding flourish iron from time to time and also put some plant tabs that are used for water lillies in the substrate. The plants in the tank are Amazon swords, Borneo swords,

Java fern, Twisted val, and some crypts. I consider most of these plants easy to grow.

Only thing now is to get the the PH down as it sits around 7.4 a little bit high for Discus. Also i need to by some more Discus as i have only two left out of six i purchased eight months ago. They like to bully the weakest one until they stop eating and pine away. Then pick on the next one in line. As i work away for five weeks at a time its hard to deal with the problem untill its to late

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I tried it too but it didn't make much difference. In my case I found the plants didn't grow as well indicating I had a phosphate deficiency.

I use RO water which is phosphate free. I've now discovered sometimes I have to add a little phosphate if the plants aren't growing well enough...

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Have you tried filtering through peat to get the PH down? Peat is natural, cheap and the fish and plants like it, plus it will slowly lower your PH providing you don't over do it :o . I use it in two of my tanks, one sits at 7 and the other 6.2.



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Hi Matt

I have thought about adding peat to my filter. I actually bought some a few months ago. After rinsing it through a stocking it still looked very dirty so i have not bothered to use it. I expected after some time the ph would gradually drop. So i guess as it is still quite high i will try adding the peat.


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