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Are these in new zealand and what are the price?


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I've seen all those except for the L134 here, although there are a few different "varieties" of the royal/L027 so who knows if the ones we get are exactly the same as L027c, mine looks pretty similar though, dark and light stripes and orangeish eye, not sure about the finer points in differentiating between them all though. The L090's I've seen here looked pretty bland in comparison to the ones in that post too.

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wow that L134 is amazing

one of my favourite plecos. I think they have been here once before, not 100% sure though, cause the one I had was a bit debatable.

Definitely not "available" though.

L128 - common - about $180

L18/81- common- about $180

Royals are cheaper and range from $120 - $150

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The 'Royal' we get here is more often than not L190 nigrolineatus.

Hff have 7-10cm ones for about $120.

Have seen the odd 'dull eye' and few people have decided their Royal is Goldline but I'd say it has more to juvi colouration of L190. Can't say that I have ever seen L27 including' Xingu'

L134- A case where an importer 'threw' a common name fish he couldn't ID. They were labelled as 'Leopard Frogs' and a few( who probably know better these days :wink: ) jumped to assign L134 to them based on that common name. Those fish weren't even a 'poor relation' to a true L134.

So in short -sadly no, L134 aren't here and haven't been here before. My favourite plec.

L90- many of the fish ID'd here as L90 'papa' are in fact L203 'titanic'.

Just to add though- we do seem to to get the odd plec through with one name that is in fact something else so who knows what little gems may be out there.

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All Brazilian royals are banned from export by Brazils environmental protection agency IBAMA, due to concerns with over fishing. So most 27 varieties are unlikely to available in New Zealand in the immediate future, and even if the ban was lifted in the future they are likely to be to expensive (given their recent banning) to be imported into New Zealand. There was an importation of what were called gold-line royals a while ago and while they do look a little like them they are not quite right and may well be something else. As Firenzenz says there are the odd dull-eyed royals (L191) around. The current royal plecos in the shops are a great looking fish and likely L190, the 'real' royal pleco Panaque nigrolineatus with a reddish eye.

Regardless they are all great looking fish and if you have a large tank they are a stunning feature fish when large. Mine come out often particulalrly when food is put in the tank. They can be stroppy when large if you try and keep more than one in a tank but generally they are peaceful although the big ones do create a lot of waste, move things around a bit, and will likely take a shine to your more edible plants with disastrous results.

Heres a couple of photos of my two. The first one is a small juvenile and was brought recently. I believe it is an L190. The second one was brought as a juvenile goldline royal and is now an adult fish about 25 cm long, and I'm not sure what it really is ... although it does have a different coloured eye. The royals are all a bit confusing which is not suprising given that the taxonomists have not sorted them out yet. Also the juvenile patterning is very different to the adults.


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After doing a quick google mine does look a lot more like that, with the white on the tail. Are the "dull eyes" a variety of L190?

Dull eye is L191. Have seen only a few around. Mystic had a nice one she was trying to sell. Was nice but was also expensive.

As for socialabilty (sic). I have seen pics on PC with two Adult Panaques in same tank but I think they are pairs.

I have my 18cm+ girl in tank with 15cm+ L203, 15cm Hypostomus cochliodon, and 15cm male L204.

The Royal undoubtedly rules the Roost amongst them and the other get out of her way.




Flatfish has a pretty impressive looking big male by memory.

Edit-Was waiting for your input Flatfish :)

I've always assumed your big guy to be L190- My girl colour has greened up as she's aged.Has you one always been that colour?

Also wonder if water/food effect colour a bit.

If yours is L190 and male then one day I will have to get my pimp hat oiut. 8)

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Dull eyes are L191 and they come out of Peru (as do a lot of nigrolineatus) L191 (dull eyed) is smaller overall than L190(nigrolineatus) both MUST have wood in the tank or they will waste away, and they produce huge amounts of waste (sawdust) so efficent mechanical filtration (way over and above biological requirements) is also essential.

Gold line Royal are one of the many fish in the L027 group they come from Rio (river) Tocantins in brasil, it is not known wether the various diffent types of royal plecs (L027) from different amazon river systems are variations on the same species 'Panaque nigrolineatus' or different.

Your fish look like L190 Nigrolineatus (black lines) to me.

Strictly speaking once a fish is described it looses its L number, so Panaque nigrolineatus (very rough translation 'Wood/Canoe eating black lined') is more correct.

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Gold line Royal are one of the many fish in the L027 group they come from Rio (river) Tocantins in brasil, it is not known wether the various diffent types of royal plecs (L027) from different amazon river systems are variations on the same species 'Panaque nigrolineatus' or different.

My understanding was that Gold line was the 'Tapajos' variant.

based on description with the Brazilian panaques that were under umbrella of L27

Panaque(genus)nigrolineatus(species)'Rio.....(variant) would indicate perhaps that they are variants of smae species, particularly as they have lost(dropped) L#.

Sorry off topic a bit- but safe to say we have determined that P. sp. cf. nigrolineatus`xingu` isn't here.

wow they let you hold them like that?

It is probably one of the best way to handle plecs this size.

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wow they let you hold them like that?
These types of plecos have armoured plates covering their body and while I'm sure they dont like it for a quick photo its seems fine. The small royal on the left hand side was sitting on Chris Downs hand underwater while I took the photo.

Hi Firenzenz, these shots are all the same fish. As he? got larger the pale lines started splitting into two and getting squigglier. It certainly looks a lot like your one. By all means contact me if you want to try them together at any stage. 8)



As for agression. My big one shares a tank with a 15cm+ goldie pleco who rules the roost but they generally get on fine. There are also a couple of tiger plecos, and a female common bristlenose in the same tank.

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yes sorry we are off topic quite a bit. Maybe another thread needs to be opened up on royal plecos. My only reason for thinking that my fish may not be 190 is the eye which was never reddish in colour but dull. Maybe its a dull-eye??

Strictly speaking once a fish is described it looses its L number, so Panaque nigrolineatus (very rough translation 'Wood/Canoe eating black lined') is more correct.

Yes I agree that is correct but when you are dealing with so many variants of potentially the same species. L-numbers or regional names are useful to seperate them out, and many people identify with the L-numbers better than the species names.

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