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This might be another blonde question. :)


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I picked up some guppy fry today, and the guy told me that I should be giving my fish a couple of different fish food, variety is the spice of life they say. anyway, he said I could feed them worms, i been a true blonde said well i have a worm farm with tiger worms can i feed them these? he said yes but crush them up or freeze first so they will flake easy. Can I actually feed them worms? or should I put up the embarassed smiley on :hail: :oops:

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perhaps have a look on trade me for a microworm culture they are small white/clear worms that live on porridge perfect size for guppy fry, easy to grow or even ask in the private trade and exchange section someone in your area might give you a starter fpr free

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Tiger worms are not the best for fish from memory. Plus they might be too big for guppies :-?

What he might have meant is bloodworms/tubifex/micro/white worms. Plus with livebearers you'll need some green in the diet. Personally I'd 'er to a food with spirulina in the mix and 'whatever'-worms once week as a treat.

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I fed some of my fish tiny baby tiger worms from my worm farm last week. Neons loved them best, the guppies ate them too. All fish still happy.

I probably wont do it again tho, I had guilt afterwards. Just didn't feel very sanitary....

Microworms are super easy, nutritious and safe, find someone with a culture or buy one off TM - best $5 I ever spent. Cultures can last indefinitely if you keep them going.

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