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My discus food recipe: feedback please


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well msot of my diet is a mixture of hikari discus bio gold, specifically formulated for discus and tetra colour bits. so out of the pellet intake, i would say 80% hikari, 20% tetra so they dont get too red artifically.

then discus tucker 2 to 3time a week.

the discus tucker contains prawns, veges, garlic, beef heart.

i was thinking of making my own, i find lately discus tucker has had much fat in it...maybe just my batch.

but i am now reconsidering, a blend of beef heart, prawns (raw) and liver. not too much liver, but a blend. plus in there add some veges like peas.

what other veges can i put in there?

or shall i just stick to discus tucker and not make my own?

i guess discus tucker is pretty good, popular too.

alot of breeders use discus tucker.

i guess i like the idea of making my own!

so i know what goes into it.

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what do you think of this mix??:

as a trial only. rations will remain roughly the same.

my thing here is to ensure that there is a huge range of vits, proteins, fats and trace in it.

also going on over seas opinions of what they do.

400g beef heart

150g Beef Liver

250g Raw prawns

(please give me veges to put in: peas, courgettes, parsley?)

1/4 cup of discus bio gold

1/4 cup of massivore:D (gotta have that in there)

1/2 of blended mealworms

minced very finely

rolled into glad wrap like a sausage so i jsut open one end and use a cheese grater. re wrap:D

ow does the above sound?

has a good ratio of beef heart, not too much liver, good ration of shrimp.

Should i add bloodworms?

the above is not a staple, i decided against too much meat.

i would probably say the discus diet will be 70% pellets, the rest is beef mix.

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That is probably a good mix, (although I haven't done the calculations so can't tell you for sure what the phosphorus levels are) I would be inclined to use a lower ratio of liver, but that is just me. Go ahead and use varied vegetables, any kind really. The ones that I would tend to move away from (or use only in small amounts) are spinach and rhubarb since they have a high abundance of calcium oxalates. If you do use shrimp, use the whole thing, head and all. I personally used to use a lot of insect larvae for my discus.

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Personally, I agree wholeheartedly with P44 on this one. I feed a variety of flake/freeze dried/granules/sinking tablets, of both types of food intended for herbivorous and carnivorous fish. I do feed my discus a couple of times a week a treat of frozen blood worms and frozen brine shrimp, however, I'm not sure if it is a treat for me or for the fish. I feel this approach gives a balanced nutrition to avoid all sorts of issues including Hole-in-the-head.

While it might be rewarding and stimulating to create your own secret recipe, it is safer and definitely easier to use pre-prepared foods. Also recall reading that too much protein is not too good for discus (much like in dogs I suppose).

The other thing I like is that the majority of prepared foods have a good nutritional analysis attached to them. Unless you have the skills that JenniferH obviously possesses, your home grown preparation is but a stab in the dark (albeit maybe a reasonably well informed stab!).

My $0.02 worth.

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