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where have my gba babies gone?


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Hi, I had around 60 gba babies- from 1cm to 3-4cm. They have been in a barebottomed 3ft with some driftwood. Recently DD2 added a couple of young guppies and a small platy.

I had been thinking that there seemed to be less gba and today I counted them and 20+ of the little ones have disappeared.

I have been sucking up the poop and doing a waterchange every two days and testing water every week. Checked the water before I chucked it to make sure I didnt suck them up. Mesh over the filter intake- I checked in the canister and none in there- only heaps of those rotten little snails :evil: .

They are fed a couple of times aday. Haven't seen any dead ones.

I can only guess they have been eaten.

Will larger gba or the other fish eat the smaller ones or only after they are dead?

Would like to know what has happened so I don't make the same mistake next time


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DD1= Dear daughter 1 ( 9yr)

DD2= Dear daughter 2 (7 yr)


It's a pesticide. Symptoms of human exposure are anxiety, hair loss, premature aging, loss of driving skills and subconscious herding behavior with other exposure victims

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could be either the guppies or platy. I lost heaps of young bn to my young siamese fighters. They picked at them until they died and then they ate them. By the time I realised why they were all disappearing it was pretty much too late.

or they are shooting up the sides of your tank and over the edge - check around the back of the tank and see if there are any bodies.

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I have all my baby GBA's in a tank together with a bunch of adult male guppies and even a small school of Oto's - no one touches the babies - I will often find them in the filter tho.

If I want a roll call I throw in a couple of pieces of cucumber - now thats entertainment! The whole piece crawls with GBA's. The adults push in but so the little ones piggyback on the bigger one sucking on them... Fun to watch. Poor guppies don't get a look in!

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