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sword flowering, what do i do?


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i just planted those plants right?

as seen in my vid with discus.

the argentine swords and large amazon sword seems to be flowering.

this flower bud shot out of the amazon sort, now is almost taller thant he plant.

the two argentine sword has the flower shoots out of the water.

just wondering,do i cut these off? or just leave them?

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wait wait

so i have to weight it down and keep it under water?

its not sticking out of the water, do i like tie it to a rock? or wood?

or will it kinda fall into the water itself?

its growing litereally 1 inch a day!

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yeah, the flower stalk i reported a few days ago is now 2ft long and is growing across the tank cause i have to keep pushing it underwater.

they get burnt from the lights (well my lights) and dry out when they get totally out of the water.

google search a few pics for an idea of what it will look like.

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sorry typo

damn my m ind and fingers sometimes miss each other.

yeah, i literally jsut ran out to the fish room and put one gently and put it under the twirly wood, now its gonna grow sideways towards centre of tank all submerged.

the amazon still short, i will make sure that stays in water. the second argentine needs 2 inches before i can tangle it in the wood too.

but, any suggestions, if there are no wood around, how can i weight it down?

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this might help. This is pretty awful pic of an Echinodorus cordifolius marble queen flower. You can see that there more flowers on the way and a plantlet. Each node on the flower spike can potentially produce a new plant so you can have a stalk of plants. Just wait until each plantlet has a few leaves and a few roots and gently remove it from the stalk or you can just move the stalk to the substrate and the plant(s) will start growing in the substrate.


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If it is under water you can put a piece of lead around it to keep it submerged. If you have lead around it under intense light the lead can heat up and burn the runner. When the plants are developed enough on the runner they will loosen and be easily removed from the stem.

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what if i just leave it as it is, dont plant it, just leave it dangling?

will it keep growing larger and fed by the original mother plant?

I've never let the new plants grow large before removing them but I assume it would continue to be fed and also photosynthesize and take in its own nutrients.

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If you let it grow out of the water it will flower and develop plants as well. The plants can grow large leaves but seldom produce roots. The leaves will be emersed so if you submerse it those leaves will be replaced by submersed leaves. Generally the small plants will develop most rapidly if they are submersed but near the surface as they will get more light. When ready to seperate the small plants are very easily seperated from the stalk by twisting back towards the mother plant (about 6 leaves)

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  • 3 weeks later...

mine is doing the same thing, got some nice plantlets already. I assume that if it goes above the water line and flowers it has a chance of sexual reproduction (if cross polination occurs with another flowering sword) but if it stays under the water it will be a clone of the mother plant?

I also noticed that if you trim the stalk just after a node it will get down to growing a new plant immediatly, good if the stalk is outgrowing your tank.

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