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Gravel advice please


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Hi all, I would like to change my fruitsalad gravel to something else, I have seen a nice looking gravel on trade me called Midnight gravel and thought it would look great. However it is very fine, (not pebble like) almost like sand. How would a person go about cleaning that, won't the gravel vac suck it out of the tank when I do a clean up? I want to go darker, cause many of you told me it would look better and that it would bring the colour of all my pleco's out more. Any advice would be greatly appreciated :wink:

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Thanks Dennis :wink: So you don't dig the gravel vac in you just hold it above the pooh and leftover food on the sand. I might consider that, sounds like it could save time on cleaning as well. Won't it go in my filter though if my bristlenose male goes digging, he loves digging under his log.

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I haven't tried with midnight, I think it is bigger than my silica sand, but mine doesn't float up much, I have 5 corys constantly digging it up but my filter is fine, depends how low your filter intake is though.

I don't use a gravel vacuum thing, just a hose a few Cms above the sand.

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I haven't tried with midnight, I think it is bigger than my silica sand, but mine doesn't float up much, I have 5 corys constantly digging it up but my filter is fine, depends how low your filter intake is though.

I don't use a gravel vacuum thing, just a hose a few Cms above the sand.

I am still a bit weary trying the silica sand, but I must say it looks amazing in fishtanks :wink:

I *think* the midnight can be vacuumed as it's not that fine. You could order some of their samples first?

Don't go through Trademe, PM her direct on here - petstuff101 - she's lovely & is sure to answer your questions about it.

Thank you so much. I will try to find her and email her. I think it will look good in my tank, I am so excited about it, my tank has really changed (not physically yet) in the last two months. I will soon have my dream tank ...yay :P

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I got some last week. Its charcoal so the same as charcoal in density . Easy to rinse, I just stuck mine in a drum and turned the hose on and swirled it around for a while. Doesn't go up the filter as not as fine as sand and no problems gravel vacuuming. :D

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I got some last week. Its charcoal so the same as charcoal in density . Easy to rinse, I just stuck mine in a drum and turned the hose on and swirled it around for a while. Doesn't go up the filter as not as fine as sand and no problems gravel vacuuming. :D

Thank you very much for the info adodge. I am currently trying to phone my hubby at work to start the process of asking for it LOL

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