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My new discus/black aro tank, ready to go!


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waiting for the black aro:D

and a few more discus, picking pu a pair of cobalt blue - biggest discus i have ever seen in my life!

will post pics up with ruler.

this is my tank so far:


4x pink tail chalceus

1 15 cm normal sen

8 inch fancy CK

8 inch gymnotus carapo knife

10cm brown ghost knife

5x odd ball small clown loaches

small geo phagus.


2 super checkerboard

1 checkerboard

1 white butter fly

1 albino

1 red turq

1 panang eruption

1 red melon

1 blue diamond

1 albino turq

1 leopard

1 white butter fly

adding tomorrow:

2x biggest blue cobalt i have ever seen in my life

adding when hff lets me know

black aro:D

more optional additions:

fire eel

filtration has been upgraded in my 2x 1200L.

filtration is a main tower trickle sump

secondary sump 80 - 90% of turnover of the main filter

3x fx5

1x fluval 404

1x fluval 4 internal

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when i get the big discus ill post them asap...

the internal is opposite side of the tank.

i would put a fluval 404 but no space at the bottom of the tank stand for one.

internal picks up alot. the particulates sometimes settle on the way to the in let by the over flow.

so this adds waterflow and sucks up what it can.

works well.

clarify is good WHEN all filters are clean.

3 fx5 rocks!

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cos its too annoying to fill the bottom of the tank wtih a thick layer of substrate.

this way the plants can grow in the pots

trialling it, looks ok, but i have seachem fluorite in them. growth is fast. 1 day, the flower buds of the large swords has grown 1 inch lol

hope it roots up and holds on the gravel in the pots.

discus eating already after 30 mins of introduction.

what i did was decrease the grow out tank by 50% and put water form the two big tanks in there.

then decreased it by 50% again and refilled it again through out the day lol acclimatised the entire tank

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Looking great Henward. I also have my plants (tiger lotus and swords) in pots (plastic hydroponic pots - they allow the plants roots to grow outside the pot). It saves the plecos from knocking them about and I can pull them out easily if necessary. Looking forward to more pics. :hail::bow:

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