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Restarting tank


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Over the last week I have totally cleaned out my 5ft, 450 litre tank and my filter and replanted

the tank again. Today I turned the filter back on and have put 10 small fish into the tank to begin the cycling process. I will add a few more in another 5 or so days and continue to do so as it will take a while for the filter to build up the beneficial bacteria. I will eventually put a second cannister on the tank and am hoping to add CO2 in the long run.

Here are a few pics of what it looks like now. Its still slightly murky and the glass still needs a good wipe down on the outside.



I don't know the names of all the plants but here are some -

saggitaria microfolia

swords (unknown, the ones on the right by the rose sword)

rose sword

java moss

xmas moss

red pine


java fern


tiger lotus

ludwigia arcuata

hygro. ploysperma rosanvig

hygro. polysperma and

ludwigia repens.


AKA. E. Cordifolia

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Not sure of the types - they are moss to me :oops: I've had major problems with my tank and something causing the fish to gasp for air immediatly after water changes over the last 8 -10 weeks causing me to lose two of my discus and some other smaller fish. Ron is looking after the rest and can hopefully bring my two breeding pairs back to full health.

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p44 do you know what mosses they are then?

I sure do.

Thanks Phoenix, I'm hopeless with my plant names. You also supplied the mighty swords I have or had :roll:

In that case, the smaller ones are E.Amazonicus and the thin large one is the tank buster AKA. E. Cordifolia.

also you should have ludwigia arcuata in there somewhere then.

I think that's all i sent you :oops: unless I sent you a rubin and/or rubin hybrid sword as well.

Those fish are going to be mighty happy.

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Waiheke Island but Rangitoto is another good place to go or of course the East Coast. Don't know if you saw the movie 'Boy' but that driftwood on the beach in the movie is exactly what its like there.

Do you know what sort of wood it is? I have been looking for that "root" looking wood for a while....

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No idea but the wood was a very golden brown and is literally the root off a small tree I think. Its got two twisty pieces running of a single piece. Very very hard wood. I think I have a piece that better shows what it looked like in colour etc in the tanks in the shed. Will look tomorrow in the light and send you a pic if its the same type of wood.

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No idea but the wood was a very golden brown and is literally the root off a small tree I think. Its got two twisty pieces running of a single piece. Very very hard wood. I think I have a piece that better shows what it looked like in colour etc in the tanks in the shed. Will look tomorrow in the light and send you a pic if its the same type of wood.


Just setup a new tank and I'm already thinking about changing it..... :oops:

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5 days on and I can see the growth starting on the plants . No water changes as yet, partly due to the fact that the sterbais have laid right up to nearly the top of the tank on the glass and two - three days in the eggs look very much viable. I have dosed flourish excel daily and flourish comprehensive twice since last Saturday. As yet I have not placed fertiliser balls in the substrate.

Last Saturday -




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Once time kicks in it will look great.

For me I would do a more reasonable size tank like your with fish to start it off in the cycle. But smaller I would fish less in sylent cycle.


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