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Which new fish?


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I know it's a silly subject, but I need some ideas.

I feel like buying some new fish today.

I have 4 discus (the smallest one died this morning :cry: )

corys, and a whiptail. (plus some small things like ottos)

My ghost knife is going on tuesday, and then I will buy neons, I'm going to buy a pair of blue rams one I can find a pair.

Is there anything That I could add? I'm thinking about another discus or 2, but they're expensive so I will take my time in buying them.

What should I buy!?

(trying to keep it South American themed)

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I'm more hoping that the person selling you the fish will explore the fact that you have discus, and are thus running the tank at 28-30 degrees C. I've found neons tend to pop off at those temperatures. Definitely so at 30C. which is a real pity cause I lost 20 green neons in my last setup that ran at 30C.

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Both, to me, I see no real difference/benefit between neons and cardinals, except cardinals get about .5cm bigger and have a little more red. And for 5 times the price, it really doesn't seem worth it.

I will pay a lot for fish, but only if it is really worth it.

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