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The music you're just listening to... :)


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Well I just listened to the song as recommended by Joshlikesfish - all 6.13 minutes of it :roll:

I will never get my 6.13 minutes back and may have lost a bit more hearing (and brain cells). I could not believe there were people saying "This is amazing!" etc. I don't think humans develop true music appreciation (and taste) until they are older :lol:

The constant drumming drove me nuts - no finesse.

The constant screaming was annoying - no tune.

The lyrics were intelligible - may be just as well :roll:

Out of curiousity, I tried to find the lyrics and there were none to be found. I guess I am not the only one to be unable to understand a word they screamed.

I realise I am not the age demographic aimed for but there are some things that should not be termed "music". 8)

I shall go back to listening to The Breeze (even if they do play the same songs over and over every day). I would listen to my downloads but since Grant set up the new computer I haven't been able to find them :(

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Well I just listened to the song as recommended by Joshlikesfish - all 6.13 minutes of it :roll:

I will never get my 6.13 minutes back and may have lost a bit more hearing (and brain cells). I could not believe there were people saying "This is amazing!" etc. I don't think humans develop true music appreciation (and taste) until they are older :lol:

The constant drumming drove me nuts - no finesse.

The constant screaming was annoying - no tune.

The lyrics were intelligible - may be just as well :roll:

Out of curiousity, I tried to find the lyrics and there were none to be found. I guess I am not the only one to be unable to understand a word they screamed.

I realise I am not the age demographic aimed for but there are some things that should not be termed "music". 8)

I shall go back to listening to The Breeze (even if they do play the same songs over and over every day). I would listen to my downloads but since Grant set up the new computer I haven't been able to find them :(

You cannot find the lyrics because the song was only released yesterday haha. Any other song by Cradle of Filth has lyrics online :lol:

He's actually really talented at the style of vocals he uses, funny how you found it annoying even though he's one of the best haha

Hey hey hey! Cant say I don't have taste!

is one of my fave!

A bit of Simon and Garfunkel always goes down a treat too =p

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Must is an expression of emotion or something.

It is usually aimed at people with the same emotions... Angry music for angry people.

Teens have a lot of anger and stuff, hence why some of us like the music. Same way teens do not often like the music older people listen to...

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I know adults that listen to worse stuff then me. Dad came home from work one day with two cases of CD's. The man from his work had a whole heap of Cannibal Corpse albums and all the other heavy ones :o:D

I think its when you were brought up and what you were brought up on. Heaps of kids love all that "emo" music and stuff simply because everybody else does. Each generation has their music haha. My gran says her parents despised the Beatles, but she loved them

But in saying that, Cradle of Filth have been playing longer then i've been walking :o

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Taste change, not only from generation to generation but personal taste changes as you age (I sadly speak from experience).

I love songs with a good beat, good lyrics (but not essential) and TUNE. My tastes range from the 50's and 60's up to some of today's stuff. Not into heavy metal, rap and stuff. As a teen I liked Deep Purple and similar but also Bread, Creedence Clearwater Revival and I listened to Kenny Rogers when he was lead singer for The First Edition :roll:

Elvis is good to play in the car and I also like Manhattan Transfer. You can't go past the Dark Side of the Moon LP either (that is a big round vinyl thing we recorded music onto before CD were invented :wink: )

My father is an embarrassment to the whole family as he listens to things like Ivy Mills and her piano, Russ Conway and Yodelling Greats! :oops:

As kids he introduced us to the likes of Val Doonican and we would sing his songs when we travelled. He and mum loved dancing so we grew up listening to rock and roll and swing too so I love Gen Miller's In the Mood and others like that.

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im a metal head but i have to admit cradle of filth is an aqquired taste i love it now the lyrics are quite clever and well researched it has elements of opera and full symphonies in some songs. as for the fast drumming ,it is very talented - do you know how hard it is to drum that fast (double bass using your feet) for an 8 min song. the singer dani filth has the most amazing vocal range ive ever heard even if its not suitable for contemporary music. its like he has 4 different voices

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T(that is a big round vinyl thing we recorded music onto before CD were invented :wink: )

I'm not that ignorant :wink: :lol:

im a metal head but i have to admit cradle of filth is an aqquired taste i love it now the lyrics are quite clever and well researched it has elements of opera and full symphonies in some songs. as for the fast drumming ,it is very talented - do you know how hard it is to drum that fast (double bass using your feet) for an 8 min song. the singer dani filth has the most amazing vocal range ive ever heard even if its not suitable for contemporary music. its like he has 4 different voices
His Octave range in some peoples opinions is six. It is a really talented band that I don't think gets enough credit for the skill. Drummer is crazy. Dani also is a very smart man. He reads a lot of old stuff. The most recently released album is about Gillies De Rais which he did all the research for. He actual puts thought and knowledge into his work, unlike a lot of popular modern bands :D
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I'm with you C&S, those are truly a couple of the very best guitar players of our generation. Positively fret heaven.

I know!!!, but wasn't John Mayer a surprise, one minute he's a heart breaking swooner(I enjoy them too) next minute he's a bit of a guitar wizz in his own right.

This is my all time Fav John Mayer track.

Who do you think I was? - John Mayer Trio


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I know!!!, but wasn't John Mayer a surprise, one minute he's a heart breaking swooner(I enjoy them too) next minute he's a bit of a guitar wizz in his own right.

This is my all time Fav John Mayer track.

Who do you think I was? - John Mayer Trio


Definitely. Those are some serious guitar chops right there!

Mayer is certainly one of the most skilled guitar players of our generation. Check out this cover of Hendrix's Red House (I absolutely love this song), some amazing guitar licks that are way harder than he makes them look!

And, him doing Hendrix as good, if not better than, Hendrix himself. Amazing.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqdkpCVb ... re=related

And this one!

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