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I hear a lot of people who watched in 3D got motionsick in some of the scenes. Anyone here have that problem?

I thought I might have because I had to wear the 3D glasses over my normal glasses. This meant the 3D ones wern't flush against my face. I didn't get motion sickness but did have to close my eyes a few times in the action scenes towards the end.

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I thought I might have because I had to wear the 3D glasses over my normal glasses. This meant the 3D ones wern't flush against my face. I didn't get motion sickness but did have to close my eyes a few times in the action scenes towards the end.

I think a lot of it is just to do with the technology. Depth perception (3D) is a result of each of your eyes seeing the same scene from a slightly different perspective. In a 3D movie this achieved by using two projectors, one projecting the right-eye image and the other producing the left-eye image. These images are polarised, so that the polarised glasses mostly block out the image it is not meant to be seeing ie right eye should only see right eye image.

As the polarised light does not block out all of the other image there is some 'ghosting', which the brain has to try and interpret. I think it is this imcomplete blocking/ghosting that messes with your eyes/brain.. for me it felt like a bit of a strain. Well worth it though!

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Movies are an attempt at escapism - if you view them as a means of getting away from real life for an hour or so (or in some cases - three hours) and emersing yourself in a different world, then you may be satisfied with the movie, if you view them to go and find fault and pick holes in the story/technology/actors, then of course you will walk away possibly dissatisfied.

In saying that, I was very disappointed with Happy Feet, from the trailers it appeared to be a movie aimed at kids about a penguin that could not sing but could dance - not a movie that turned into a political rant about the environment.

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I read a newspaper article when it was on in the cinema claiming that there were a lot of people around the World apparantly committing,or at least talking about committing suicide.It seems they found the idea of living on that planet(I havn't seen the movie,although have the dvd)to be so appealing,that when they realised Earth will never be that good,they decide it was better to end it here,and seek a similar place.

Just read over that,dosnt make sense,but you get the messge :roll:

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Unfortunately people have been taking that or similar paths for a very long time.

It just happens that this weeks focus of their discontent is a fantasy movie.

Perhaps one could argue the film offers a social commentary in the correlation between the films main characters and the discontent many people have in their 'real world' and the allure and escapism that they find in their fantasy virtual world where social interaction is a 'out of body experience' heavily weighted toward their computers and the forums/ virtual sites the frequent?

Maybe we should al be hiding our sharp knives :wink:

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