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UHAS program for this year


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The UHAS new year starts with the April meeting (AGM was in March). Every year it seems to be difficult for 'the committee' to come up with a decent program for the whole year. We schedule a few auctions, the annual quiz night in November, table shows just about every month. But what else is there?

What do you do at club nights? Should there be club nights? Or even more general, what's the purpose of an aquarium society.

I'd really like to hear your opinion and ideas for clubnight topics and get a friendly discussion started.

[ This message was edited by: Cees on 2001-04-01 21:34 ]

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The most popular club night the Marlborough Aquarium Club had was when we gave a practical demonstration on how to set up a fish tank from scratch. If this sounds too basic, why not discuss how to set up a specific theme tank? I hope to get an African tank started soon and will set it up during a club meeting, with help and advice from fellow members. Of course, I bet when it wins our annual tank competition everyone who helped will say it isn't fair and demand winning rosettes for their efforts too :grin:

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  • 5 months later...

Being just a 'newbie' at keeping fish and in a rather isolated area. How would it be if we could do something on the internet.??? Remember also a 'newbie' at computers too LOL I sure appreciate the access to the wealth of knowledge that this gives me. The human touch is right here too. Just a thought folks. :smile:

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  • 5 months later...

Where do you live Ira? Let us know and we will tell you who the nearest group is and where they meet.

The Marlborough Aquarium Club meets every 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm in various members' homes.

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HI Ira,

Welcome to the NEw Zealand Fishroom.

Today I received the newsletter of the UHAS.

Meetings 2nd Thursday of the month 7:30h

Maidstone Centre

Goodshed Rd (behind train station, other side of track)

Next meeting April 11

Talk: Tank construction

Competition: Any blue fish

They're a friendly bunch.

Tell them cees send you :D

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We also struggle a little bit for diffrent things to do on a club night

So far it has gone like this

January - A weekend camping trip to Mahia Beach

Everything doesnt have to be fish related, but we did try and catch some though... with very little success (spelling???)

Feb - Happy Hour, Pot Luck dinner (And a sneek peek at the National Aquarium......Lucky Us :P )

March - Auction and a walk through the aquarium We get all the luck.. even though the lights went off half way through the tour)

April - A guest speaker and abehind the scenes tour (Just gets better and better)

May - AGM and Auction

June - TBA

We have had in the past

Tank Building Nights

Gadgets and Widgets that that people have made

Book Auctions

Slide shows by local divers/photograhers

Driftwood collecting trip to Mohaka River Mouth

Various Guest speakers on varying subjects

Fish competions

Tank and Pond crawls

Hope this helps with ideas for the future



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Well...Guess I'll have to try finding the Maidstone Center in the daytime and make it to next month's meeting. Because I couldn't find it tonight. Drove back and forth on Goodshed road 4-5 times looking for something saying "Maidstone center" never found it. Found some Orongai mondo muktuk center or something like that. I was looking forward to it too.:(

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Bummer Ira :(

Orongai mondo muktuk cente could be it, they must have changed the name. It's right next to an empty lot, big wooden fence.

I've got babysit (3yrold daugther) duty on thursday. Try to wiggle my way out of it next month. Meet you there perhaps.

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Just looking at Bruce's list of activities.

How about "Guess That Fish", although you could have done it already.

Simple rules, the chair gives the first clue and the amount of attempts, not the class or sub class, but possibly the region only or something. Each member gets one question that may be something like "Is it a bottom dweller", or "Is it a catfish" etc.

The same member may not ask twice in a row, but may follow after another person has asked. The chair answers either yes or no, but may add warm or cold or something similar. After x# of attempts the chair reveals the answer. For club nights the winner could get a packet of fish food or something. A new chair is then selected. Would be good fun on the bus trips to the venues for those that travel in groups.

Could even work on this board, without the fish food of course:) might be fun, any volunteers to start it rolling :) . Rules could be the same except that the thread remains only for the quiz and nothing else, and the chair may offer a further clue at their discretion if the going gets tough.

The chair need not answer every question, but may answer groups, but must answer each one of the questions posed by the askers names all in one post, ie, "Yes Fred, it is a bottom dweller" etc. The quiz could end after say twenty tries, or perhaps a week, whichever occurred first. The fish in question would have to be fresh water or slightly brackish species and still available to aquarists, either here or overseas, with recognition in the tropical fish books or periodicals.

Start a new thread somewhere if you're game, preferably in say the Technical section away from the normal topics. :) Title it "Name That Fish" and set the ball rolling.

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Just looking at Bruce's list of activities.

:oops: Sorry Cees, but its 4.06am and the time posted reads 16.04 plus it says its the 11th, but its the 12th.

I just gotta get some sleep :)

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