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Tank Crash overnight


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The one that died today was the mate (not a breeding pair) of the one that died the other day.

I had already removed it along with one of my breeding pairs to a different tank.

Symptoms were the same as the original one that died, a lot of head up tail down breathing.

The breeding pair left in the big tank seem okay atm although not eating a lot, at least they are eating. Everything else in the tank appears fit and healthy.

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Yesterday afternoon around 4.30pm I did a 20% waterchange on my tank - couldn't do more as there were discus wrigglers in the tank. This took until about 6.00pm. Added prime & water conditioner. By 9.00pm last night the discus were up the top of the tank, along with some rummynose and the snails were heading for the top as well. Couldn't do a lot at that time of the evening so added more prime as it says 5x the dose can be used.

This morning they were still near the top, hundreds of snails were up, one rummynose dead. Currently doing another 20% change. Tested water - even with the prime added the ammonia showed .25.

Suggestions appreciated. Absolutely no idea as to what is going on.

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wow this is really bizzarre. Is it just in that one tank? Maybe contact the water supply and see if they've added any new chemicals or even ask for their latest water analysis from the closest testing station. I've done that with our local water suppliers and they do get back to you with quite a comprehensive set of results.

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how old is the water conditioner?

A by product of the chemical reaction that takes place to remove chlorine from water is Ammonia. That is why dechlorinators have an extra ingredient in it to remove that ammonia or neutralise it.

what is the other water conditioner you are adding with prime?

with prime you need 5mL prime to 200L of water - that dose can easily be doubled or tripled.

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how old is the water conditioner?

A by product of the chemical reaction that takes place to remove chlorine from water is Ammonia. That is why dechlorinators have an extra ingredient in it to remove that ammonia or neutralise it.

+1 The ammonia may be visible on the test kit but it should be neutralised from causing harm; however, if there has been some sort of chemical instability with the water conditioner, that neutralisation process might be inhibited. That would be an awful lot of chlorine to cause that much of an ammonia spike though...a bit of a long shot but it might pay to get some fresh stuff and see how that goes.

I also wondered about the substrate, and about what the council has put in the water recently. That snail migration is a bit alarming. :o

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All discus up again this afternoon. When I water changed I gravel vaccuumed but not much as most of the tank is planted. I stirred up very little. My water conditioner is the nutrafin aqua plus which expires in February 2012. I have added prime at the 5x rate which it says you can do in an emergency - I did this last night. The council has done nothing to change the water and is not aware of anyone else with problems. My tap water ammonia is fine - I tested it this morning just in case.

The only thing different is that about the time of the initial water changes which had the first problem of the spikes happen is that I started to use flourish comprehensive in the aquarium.

Dosing 5 mls once to twice a week.

Its really weird - the last two spikes have happened immediately after a water change.

I am currently thinking about moving out all my fish and emptying the tank and starting again but first of all have to find either tanks or people willing to look after them for about a month.

Unfortunately I have no spare filters available. I have opened up the fx5 today and it is not even really gunked up. Will refill it with tank water and start it up again.

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yes - that is one 50% water change - the tank is 450 litres :D

My ammonia readings were 0 when I came home from work tonight although the discus were still up. I am pretty worried that given this has now happened 3 times in the last 6 weeks that permanent damage is/has been done.

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Test it. Fill a bucket, any size, with the water you use for a water change, then add a dose of the water conditioners and test it after a few hours and again in the morning. If there is no ammonia spike then it must be in the tank and have little or nothing to do with the water you are adding.

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Am sending my discus off to board with a forum member for the next month. :hail: Will start to catch and move some of the others fish out into some of my other tanks this weekend and look to empty out and restart the tank again next weekend if I can't get it sorted. It only seems to be the discus now so they may have a problem as well although two of them were happily chasing mozzy lavae last night, one of the others was a little interested and one not at all.

It will be a mission catching the rest of the fish especially the sterbai. I saw some young in the tank tonight at just over 1cm :D My fancy plecs won't be too chuffed either I think especially when they have to go share with the female fighters.

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me? 24/7 and always have

I've moved most of the fish out now anyway. Just waiting for some new gravel to arrive, then will have a day stripping down and cleaning out everything in the tank.

Interesting though as everything else in the tank is fine atm but will rinse out all the existing substrate/filters etc and replant hundreds of plants - I have lots of saggitaria microfolia in the tank, then leave it to cycle for about a month before adding the fish in gradually. I have a surplus of halfmoon female fighters so will use them to cycle the tank :D

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