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Found Soda Stream in garage


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Ive been going through old boxes over the past few days, need room for more tanks :P and I found an old sodastream set. 2 co2 bottles and the working unit (i know it works there's still gas :P)

I know the co2 bottles are used in co2 set ups in tanks, but what about the rest of the pieces? considering it all works, and my soda drinking days are long gone (apart from rum and coke :P) I think its about time I treated one of my heavily planted tanks to some co2.

Will be scouring previous threads if search is working yet, but I was so delighted by my find I just had to share.

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There parts are all quite expensive, even having 2 bottles already, its still looking well over $100 bucks to get it all set up. Might be better off just getting a system from from the pet shop if thats the case as many people have already found. I will try a very DIY method, I have an idea of using the excisting part and a H bracket with wing nuts to regulate the output. Id then use a model aircraft needle valve to control it further and defuse in my canister filter. Will attempt it at least, as I found another 3 bottles and another complete machine.

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Might be better off just getting a system from from the pet shop

Be prepared to pay upwards of $450. Not including gas bottle. That'll probably be another $200.

There are cheaper ways of doing it (importing the regulator/solenoid from overseas, buying refurbished gas bottles etc). A regulator + solenoid imported from China is about $100. Bottles you have to buy here. Importing carries its risk though - fittings mainly. You have to ensure that their regulators will fit our bottles, so find out the thread size of the bottle you'll be using and ask the place selling the regulator what their thread sizes are and ensure they match.

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clarify a few things for me then,

solenoid switches the co2 off automatically when desired?

reg regulates the flow

I dont need a solenoid if I am there to switch it off manually, if im not home I wont run it at all, simple (cheap more like it:P)

reg, if I were to make my own method of getting the co2 out of the bottle at the desired pressure, then control that further with a needle valve from the model shop, would I acually need a reg and gauge? How dangerous is pressurised co2? Ive made a bracket and using sodastream machine parts can get the gas out at between 1 and 2 bps, with a needle valve id have futher control. Im just not sure how safe is it? I think if they can be sold as bench top units it cant be too bad.

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solenoid switches the co2 off automatically when desired?

Correct. I like to automate as many fish tank related chores as I can (I've already got the lights on a timer. I will run the solenoid on the same timer).

How dangerous is pressurised co2? Ive made a bracket and using sodastream machine parts can get the gas out at between 1 and 2 bps, with a needle valve id have futher control. Im just not sure how safe is it? I think if they can be sold as bench top units it cant be too bad.

If you can do it without a proper regulator then more power to you. I can't see it being dangerous unless you're doing something dodgy and / or there's a danger of piercing the cylinder.

But keep in mind I really have no clue about this stuff, this are just my assumptions.

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