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Exporting NZ natives?


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I picked up the latest Practical Fish Keeping mag today and was absolutley chuffed to see a small paragraph on the page advertising next months issue.Here it is,

The lost world revealed!

New Zealand's geographical isolation made the islands unique for flora and fauna,but their native fish may soon be reaching our shops,says Rupert Collins.

I'm very excited about the prospect,but have mixed feelings about it.I would dearly love to have NZ native biotope,like some I have seen on this forum,and always thought I'd have to wait 'til I got home,and that could be many years away.

I didn't realise that they are,or will be,being exported.I have seen many kakariki sold in pet shops in the UK,and here in Ireland,but never heard of fish.Does anyone know any more?

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Hi Acara,

I talked to you a while ago on the NANFA site about NZ natives. I am the one writing the book on keeping them. (it isn't out yet sorry)

Have you got hold of any books by R.M. McDowall? Especially his big 1990 one (they all have very similar titles). It is out of print but still available secondhand, and you can get a good condition one for ~$30NZD. Invaluable to anyone interested in NZ natives. Gives lots of background into the biology.

I understand he is revising it at some point, as a lot of new species have been found, but the new species are very geographically restricted and will not be available overseas.

What got you interested in our fish?

(most of our species can not be bred for export due to their lifecycle which involves spending three months at sea. Some don't do this and can be raised in freshwater. So expect that most fish that go overseas would be wild-caught, and pretty much all species are on the decline here)

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Thanks Stella.

I'm waiting patiently for your book!I will look up the one you mentioned,and if I can find it online,will get my parents to bring it over next month.

My interest stems from me being a Kiwi,left for a year 13yrs ago!Now I have a pre-recession mortgage and getting married in 6weeks :o

When I was home for 2wks last year,I dug out a book from,I think from the Wildlife Service in the early '50s,on native freshwater fauna.I hope I bought it back with me,can't recall now.

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