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Redspot Plec doing wierd things - is he ok? Video footage


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haven't seen the video, but please could you make the title of your posts less vague?

it will help people give you appropriate responses, and you will gather a wider audience because many of us don't bother reading threads with titles like "help me" - that give no indication of what is in the thread.

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sorry guys, i managed to post in the wrong area again :evil: whats what happens when you start something, then go to work, then come back and finish it :P can a mod please move this to the freshwater area? cheers :) also ill relable thanks, glad to know hes just being a loony :)

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he was cool, till i woke up thismorning and he was sitting on the bottom, rigid as a rock, poor guy obviousally didnt like the change of environment... man i gotta buy a big test kit thing, but my local fish shop doesnt know what im talking about? they said i can buy the kits seperately but not all as one? im gonna get the ammonia levels tested today.

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how fast is the water flow in your tank that looks like the pleco is surfing the current and the having a rest :bounce:

pritty cool from what i think 8)

Waterflow is a powerhead cranking as fast as it can, but quite close to the surface, the bubbles you can see in the vid are from the filter with a airline teed into the outlet, works really well, again quite close to the surface, where he was there wouldnt be a whole lot of current, but some :) the other melon barbs in there love the current :)

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I was going to say that it doesn't look like anything to worry about too much. But they do sometimes seem to swim around aimlessly just before they die. I guess it turns out that's the case this time. I doubt too much current would kill him. Unless there was absolutely nowhere for him to rest, even then they don't seem to have much problem with current. Even when my tank had about 40X turnover per hour mine didn't seem at all worried.

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Cheers, turns out that its the ammonia thats killin them, my second one (in my communal tank) died last night, i did a pretty heavy vaccuum and obviousally stirred up alot of the gravel, found him stiff as a board too thismorning :( my LFS had said that there are some flakes that i can put in the filter that will remove ammonia, anyone know how effective these are, im getting quite upset about all my fish dying :(:(:(

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do waterchanges, and lots of them. if fish are continuing to die, you can use ammolock to instantly detox ammonia in the tank, but when you do an ammonia test reading, it will still show ammonia in the water. ammolock just converts from ammonia into a non-toxic form of the compound.

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Agreed, do large water changes every day. Stop feeding them for several days and increase aeration (ammonia can make it hard for them to breathe). Try and find some JBL Smart Start to seed your biological filter with the bacteria needed to break down the ammonia and nitrites. You will need to kep an eye on ammonia and nitrites for up to two weeks to ensure they don't reach toxic levels while the filter stabilises. Good luck. :wink: Now that you found the problem, things will start settling down.

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