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New babies - Spyro, Speedy Gonzalos and Houdinni


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We have had these guys for a little over one month now, they are so much fun to keep and it's interesting to see the hierarchy that's established within our three little boys:

When we first got them: Feb


And now sitting on the same barrel ornament: March



little fatties after a hearty feeding session, feedings are always monitored when bugs are concerned to prevent injuries.

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Congrats! They are so cute! :-)

Hows their eating going?

Hows yur other wee man doing also? (good I hope!) :-D

So you gonna have seperate enclosures for them when they get bigger incase they fight? Or you planning on a room sized one for all of them? lol.

by wee man do you mean Tequila? Unfortunately Tequila never recovered from his broken back the vets told us he most likely wouldn't so we were prepared, he passed away at the end of Nov.. :cry:

These guys are pretty good with their veges and are really well handled, two of them (Spyro and Houdinni) came with missing digits (toes) and Speedy had a missing tail tip but haven't ever seen them fight in our enclosure, the enclosure they're going in is 5x2x2 and the background has really well spaced out perches (3 perches) and two well spaced out caves (one in the tree stump and one in the cave) so it gives plenty of hiding spots.

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Lots of live food helps to stop the loss of bits. Keeping the temperature down and having no places to play king of the castle helps to keep the agro down but I fear two or three males will want to scrap anyway after about 3 months. Only a guess on my part as I have not reared a bunch to that age.

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the photo of them in the 2nd and 3rd is their feeding tank not the main tank, but their main tank is plenty enough - info from american+australian beardy keeping sites said you only need a 4foot tank for 3 adult beardys (x2/3 Babies: 10-20mm (3-5”) Use 24x15x15”, x2/3 Juveniles: 180-255mm (7-10”) Use 36x24x24, x2 Sub/Adults: 330-610mm (13-24”) Use 48x24x24) and we've got a 5footer with plenty of vertical climbing space too so we're not worried about that

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What do the aussies know :lol:

Ive been there done that, learnt the hard way. Yes it can be done but not worth the risk? Looks good until someone looses a tail :o . Even without you noticing it they will staunch each other out. Living under stress isnt much fun. Best thing i ever did was separate mine. They certainly dont miss each other :D

3 all from the same breeder? your almost as mad as me lol. If theyre all females you may be ok, but in saying that out of the first 5 i got as hatchlings (1male 4female) the biggest female was the one who did the most damage. And the male ended up with the shortest tail :-?

Just be warned and keep a close eye on them. Alan's post below is some good advice.

Lots of live food helps to stop the loss of bits. Keeping the temperature down and having no places to play king of the castle helps to keep the agro down but I fear two or three males will want to scrap anyway after about 3 months. Only a guess on my part as I have not reared a bunch to that age.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey Sweetysmum, if you give me your email address I can attach a one by one step on how we made this..we took so many photos during the process :D

we're going to take everyone's advice to separate the boys while we're ahead and while no one's been attacked..so that means I will have to make another background for Spyro's tank :bounce: :bounce: (we're giving Houdinni to David's brother since we don't see my mum letting us run three separate tanks... :-? )

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