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bearded dragon gender?


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lol yeh, well turns out shes actually a he... the pics I had before I got him looked so much like a female and the woman at the reptile store in TA thought the same. But when you see him in real life hes a he. Lovely boy and gets on with the other one so no biggy.

So still on the look out for a female lol

The might get on ok now but when theres a female in with 2 males it probly wont be the same, the get jealous :D

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I would never put a female in with two males lol.... There would def be problems there!

Looking at buying a few young off tm, get a new enclosure set up and grow sum out, coz theres clearly no one wanting to let go of their females.

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First thing is to seperate the males before damage is done.

First thing is to seperate the males before damage is done.

lol not going to put a female in with the males, dnt worry... my males are fine together, as long as there is a submissive one and you keep an eye on them they can be kept together well. All depends on the lizards.

Yeh a female that age will be worth its weight in gold lol

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Yep, but theyre only worth whats someones willing to pay at the end of the day. Beardies are the only herp I havent been able to break even on. Invested way too much to begin with though. Been close but havent cracked it just yet, not sure I ever will either with the way the market is at present. But still well worth keeping, no regrets here they are fascinating.

Should be able to pickup some fems for 500-1000 maybe even cheaper if your lucky, but you get what you pay for. Most of the time anyway.

I sold two female bds for 1800 recently but they were smaller and bit of their tail's missing etc. So yeah $1200 it is if you want one of the best around, the offers there :D

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Went to the LFS this morning and was standing by the counter when the owner look behind me and says "oooh, she's waving" - me thinking what the heck is he talking about?

I turn around to see the female beardie sitting atop some wood in their enclosure waving one front leg around. The male at the other end of the enclosure spits out a bunch of greens he just stuck in his mouth, scuttles closer to the female, goes darker around the neck and starts head bobbing...

The rest is censored :wink:

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Thanks Insect Direct, $1200 is a bit out of my price range lol. Will just wait till something pops up or get some small fellas to grow out ay. I saw your two females on tm but I had work when the auction closed (would have totaly bid on them lol).

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