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omg killies are cool


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You must be the guy that Alan just PMed me about. I can help you out with some Gardneri Blues. I have some young fry that are old enough to sex but not old enough to breed. The males are just starting to show some colour.

My adult stocks are right down at the moment but will see how things go over the next couple of weeks with egg collection, as I might be able to give you a pair of young adults. I can also help you out with a mop.

If this doesn't work out, you are welcome to a trio of the fry.

Are you able to wait a couple of weeks?

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if i have to wait a couple of weeks i guess thats what i have to do doesnt worry me really cause i could raise them up aswell,so many ways for fish to breed,im forever learning so much bout them,even have got the gf into it for valentines day with a small tank with guppies,roughly how many eggs do u get from a young pair and when refering to a pair is that 2 females to 1 male or just the 1 male and 1 female,

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Some people put a pair (1m,1f) together, others a trio(1m, 2f). Hard to tell which works best, as I have had success both ways. With a trio you might get one of the females eating eggs.

As far as how many eggs, there's no hard and fast rule. With the Gardneri Blues, I've probably averaged 6-10 egss a day over a week. Some days there were none and the next there could be 15.

I generally collect eggs for a week, store them on peat (floating in a container in the tank) and wet them 10 days after that.

The other way, is to float a container of water with Meth Blue in the tank and store the eggs until they hatch in about 14 days.

I can show you exactly how I do things when you come around.

I am certainly no expert and have learnt alot from Alanmin4304 and Barrie. These guys have a wealth of knowledge.

Also join the Killie club and this will give you alot more access to different Killies,cheap food and knowledge.

Keep in touch over the next week and we can maybe organise pick up next Saturday afternoon?

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,does it cost to be in the killie club,

Cost $15 if your a member of another club and $25 if not

main advantage is that together, we can keep intouch with what other members have.

I have a few specie that there is no way I will let non members have because they are a lot more rare so need to make sure I can get them back if I loose mine.

I tend to only let member have them or I let Hollywoods Fish Farm have them.

I will be taking a couple of pair of a specie that I am the only one that has them now so they can have a look at them

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i can see you reasoning for that,why have some person have a rare breed when you seem to be the man when it comes to killis when you can have them breed them and then pass them on the people you know are good with them,cant wait to get my first set ae,really looking forward to it,iv had great luck with dwarf cichlids and now africas so heres hoping i got good luck with killis,anything in particular you recomend putting in a killi tank

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As Tony suggested, start simple with the Blues... yes, I know your from Chch and as such are in Red country but Blues are attractive and easy to breed,

Move on to peat spawners later but they are without a doupt, the most rewarding.

I have all of mine split at the moment then will move the males back with the females in a couple of weeks with peat. I will let them spawn for 2 weeks before removing and drying the peat and storing it for 3 to 6 months before wetting it and hopefully getting fry to continue into the future


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Barrie, and Alanmin4304 are really knowledgeable, young fellas.

If you have any problems or queries, these are your go to people, also I must not forget ej and Casserole.

Of course there is me, who can offer you moral support.

As Barrie and Alan have said, Join up with the NZKA (New Zealand Killifish Association), and you can get more help as well as access to some reasonably cheap stuff.

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