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Grrr... not having a computer bites..


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I never noticed how much time I could waste on a computer untill a week ago...

My comp has allways had a bit of a problem but since I know a little about them I have been able to keep it running... well untill a week ago, now it doesn't finish booting up (and I have found the problem)

Luckly I built a computer a year ago for the wife... sadly its in the spare room covered with stuff at the mo so its a pain every time I gota use it.

Any way I have found this to be a good thing, now that I have a computer just like my cell phone... not working lol, I am really enjoying the quiet that comes with this pain, it has given me time to enjoy doing a few odd jobs around the house I forgot about 3 - 4 months ago.

Has any one had on of lifes little problems like this and found it to be great?

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