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my new 6 foot tank


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i bought a 6 foot tank on friday i do not have it at the moment it coming next weekend i am so excited it is 180x75x60 it is 850L i am starting to go into the big fish now :D i have been buying all the things i need for the bigger tank. i am going to put the fx5 on it but do not know wat fish to put in there anyideas? :bounce: i have only got 4 small dats ranging from 5-15 cm and do not know wat i should do sell the small dats and go for the big fish or keep them and go for some kinda slow grown fish that are babies and grow all the fish up togeather need some advice :D 8)

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are the awesome morcs price range ?size they grow will they eat my dats

how much are leaf fish price range ? size they grow will they eat my dats

Giant gouramis can take about 4 years to get to 50cm.

In that time your dats would be 20cm+ so would be fine.

not sure about the leaf fish, whats the scientific name?

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man you need to learn to stop asking everyone what they think you should have and choose what you think you should have, that way you will be happy with your tank believe me i have been there done that and got the T shirt ( Oscars and parents :evil: ). You have also posted about two topics that are exactly the same E.G baby DAT tank mates or something like that.

that's just what i think trav you don't have to listen to me

and remember before you buy it find out about it and think hard because you have a very bad habit of going and buying this start away with no long term thought to it :D :roll:

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man you need to learn to stop asking everyone what they think you should have and choose what you think you should have, that way you will be happy with your tank believe me i have been there done that and got the T shirt ( Oscars and parents :evil: ).

how many parents fit in a 6 foot ? 8)

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it is good to ask what others think and their opinions or experiences

then you can make an informed descision on what best suits you

i stared out and i made some impulse buys that turned out to be bad descisions

would have been good to have a forum of experienced people to draw on in those days

research and ask and most of all don't blindly believe what you are told

even what i have just written

until you are told it at least 3 times :D

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I get what you are saying living art but you do have to draw the line on when you are getting info and when you are making your own decisions

believe me. me and trav a basically brothers we spend every day hanging out talking fish and when you know him as well as i do you would definitely know what I'm talking about he can never make up his mined he's so funny like last week he was putting all his money towards getting like 20 baby dats for the 4foot and the week before that we were both going to get green Asian arowana's then he would upgrade the tank shortly after but now it's only me getting a green and he doesn't know what he wants. super funny just ask fraser :) ( hes caught in this major ) :lol: :lol: :):):D 8) :wink:

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