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Pics of knifefish and chalceus


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cheers, gonna get the tank within the next 2 weeks!! :bounce: but really need to sell my aquaone tank - great condition! $450!! :D. For tank stock im thinking 8)..... 4-5 bala sharks to accompany the chalceus, 2 bgks, 2 cks (will see how that goes), banded knife, any other knifefish - brown gk?, as many bichirs possible, a cichlid or 2, eel, dat?, jardini :hail: ...................any other suggestions, clown loaches grow a bit slow for me :roll:

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New tank is a.prophs old one, 600L main tank with 300L grow out sump system, 900L+ in total. I would get more chalceus but theres none left and at $50 each in animates...., this guy was schooling with chalceus and balas at the store. Of course my fish stock could change, i intend to focus on knives but may have to remove a ck due to aggression, i dont wanna remove bichirs as they are my favs also, but want to get maybe a jag or festae cichlid (yes i know aggression) and in future a jardini, although i may have to compromise. any other suggestions?

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haha funny lol, your bag tying was a disgrace! worst ive come across in the entire retail business! :evil: 8) :lol: lol, jokes, hes a cool fish, next time they come in i might get like 3 more, good colour and active.

Yes i was having a bad bag tying day.

I had to get Luke to tie David Rs bag as I just couldnt. :lol: :lol:

Chalceus do well on their own or in a big group. Small groups of 3 or so dont do so well from what ive read?

I can price match on them, but I wont be ordering anymore in unless they are ordered specifically by a customer :) so let me know.

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