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MAC Shop Crawl - Christchurch


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I will try Googling first thanks Jennifer. Whatever I get needs to be short and suitable for 40L. I know Eheims have a good name but don't want to pay that much. I was looking at the small $26 models available here and there (can't remember the brand offhand)

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Sorry, I'm just feeling particularly cynical about pet shops at the moment. Just got some new babbies:


and have discovered that pet shops don't even stock food that is nutritionally complete for rats, sell unsuitable wood shavings as bedding, too-small exercise wheels etc, I could go on.

They are rescue rats who spent their first 6 months living with 2 others in a cat carry cage so I'm also feeling disappointed that there are people out there who don't give their pets the best care possible and treat them like they're disposables.

Now that's off of my chest, I must say I'm looking forward to meeting everyone this weekend. And I must admit I'm really tempted by the bbq beef flavoured bubble mixture Animates sells... So hilarious. (Also comes in peanut butter, catnip and smoked bacon if you're not into beef)

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OK, would all those wanting updates on our whereabouts please PM me your cell phone numbers? Some in the YB have 2 and I don't know which is yours and which is the partner's. I will preload you into my phone so when I get a text saying "where are you?" I know who is asking 8)

If I can figure out how to send the same message to multiple people (I think I have done it once before on my old phone) I will keep those interested updated on where we are as we travel. Perhaps Navarre can post our progress online once he has a good idea what time we will arrive at his place for our picnic lunch.

If you want to start there with us, contact Navarre for his address and bring a picnic lunch with you (for yourself, not something to share with all)

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Joe, the junior member we have coming with us, has some flag cichlids, Laetacara curviceps, for sale and is willing to bring them down with him if anyone in the ChCh area would like some. He is hoping to get $5 each for them (probably so he can buy more fish). PM me if you are interested please, and how many.

I believe this is a pic of one of the adults...


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Well we had a fantastic weekend and met many fellow fish keepers.

Thanks Navarre for hosting us for lunch and showing us your fish room etc.

Thanks to the Totally Tanked members for joining us on most of the shop crawl and to those who showed us their tanks too.

It was great to meet our Auckland member, Adodge and her husband, and MarkLB. I like putting a face to the name 8)

Thanks DonnaM for opening your home for us in the evening for a delicious BBQ. I hope Milo has recovered from the onslaught!

We came home with quite a number of fish and plants (plus a new bird and large cage with accessories). Good thing we took 2 vehicles in the end!!! :bounce:

Thanks to all involved in making it such a fun (if expensive) weekend - from Caryl, Grant, Ken, Deidre, Joe, Ryan and Paul :hail::bow:

At some points we had all the above plus Alanmin4304, carznkats, humvee, bdspider, DonnaM, jenniferh & wilson with us too. I hope you all enjoyed yourselves as well. We must do it again sometime! :lol:

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It was a delicious cheesecake wasn't it? So was the carrot cake and the cup cakes :lol:

I hope to upload photos of the weekend in the next few days but have a lot of other stuff to do, including finishing off the AW!

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Yeah, I had such a fun day. Especially all the bbq food & Jennifer's cheesecake... omg so good...

:hail: :oops:

Best cheesecake recipe EVER! http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/ ... ke-1222199

(Only use full fat Philly cream cheese. Digestive biscuits replace the graham crackers - McVities are best. Also, skip the making of lemon curd and buy Barker's lemon curd instead - simpler and better tasting IMO.)

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I have to delete that first one Navarre. Not only unflattering lower areas but your eyes were shut too :lol:

The one with you and Grant in it was good though. Hopefully I wil have time to post pics later. I hope nobody objects to being identified? There are no photos of anyone doing anything embarrassing or anything like that! 8)

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Actually Brad Pitt doesn't really do it for me. I think I would prefer that Aussie bloke - Hugh Jackman I think his name is. Or Victor Webster :lol:

(I Googled Claire and can see the attraction! Better than Ange definitely) :wink:

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