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Swimming with dolphins - pics added


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I just had to share with somebody!! :lol:

The day before yesterday a pod of around 40 dolphins spent the whole day in our bay. Friends of ours who are camping down in our paddock by the beach noticed them in the morning and went kayaking and swimming with them.

Later in the afternoon most of them were still there so we went out in a boat. About 25 dolphins came over to check us out and were jumping around the boat.

My daughters (7 & 8 ) and I jumped overboard (with snorkel gear) and it was amazing!! :bounce: :bounce: They all came over and swam close around us. I stretched out my arm and they came within a couple of inches of my hand. We moved away from the boat and they followed us.

They were swimming under us and jumping around us. They would swim up close then turn over and look at us. Then swim away then back and surface right next to us.

It was a fantastic experience.

One good thing about the dry weather was the water was the clearest I have ever seen it here so we were able to see them really clearly.

Dolphins come in here quite often but don’t usually hang around all day.

They had been around the day before. One of them had been carrying a dead baby around on its back.

These guys seemed to be having a ball and seemed keen to check people out. As we left in the boat they all started doing these huge leaps and flips.

It was magic!!! We were on a huge buzz for ages! Something we will remember forever. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

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ha ha Ira .. I did think perhaps I should be a little worried coz some of them were surprisingly big - if one landed on you ... :lol:

I thought the girls might be a bit scared coz it was quite deep for them but nah . DD1 did jump when she was face down looking below and one surfaced right next to her.

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