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Ocean Water or not


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Hi All,

I know that I'm asking loads of questions to you all, but this is going to be the only way that I start to get things right. :D

I got advice that I should use water from Takapuna Boat Ramp to replace some of the water in my tank. What's you views on this issue.

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plenty use NSW from takapuna boat ramp for years without any problem. take a sample yourself and test it if you wish. there are many extra goodies in NSW that ASW cannot provide, some good, some bad. IMO, if you dont have a skimmer or dont have a decent one, I would stick with ASW until you do - but thats just my opinion. if you go ASW, just make sure you stick with RODI water and a well known brand of salt.

FYI, detailed composition of seawater:


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If you look back at the forum this has been covered,

It terms of my advice it is hit and miss, you might be ok most of the time but I have had few hobbyist claim that they will never use sea water again due to the problems they have had.

If you lived up north I would say that is ok, but takapuna beach?? I don’t think so.

I just tested the phosphates at takapuna and it was .1 ppm ok for leathers but no good for arcopora.

Been to Takapuna a few times and on some occasions something was smelling bad

Beaches that are close to populated areas have a high organics which is Dissolved organic matter which will cause algae problems in a new reef tank.

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from takapuna, no issues so far but will post as soon as i have one.

best thing is the speed and ease of doing a big change, and the low cost.

I will test phosphates next time i go, which will probably be this weekend.


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NSW is the only way to go especialy if your tank is large.Get it on high tide at night so there are no boats around to interupt you and stir it up a bit.I have never had any problems in the last 9 years and if it had crap in it like diesel i am sure that the pretty looking rainbow patterns should not be to hard to spot. :)

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Some of the locals here ask the fishing boats to fill up 10+ 20L containers when thay are way out to sea. They pay a small fee but it's way cheaper than salt mix. Maybe if you want good quality NSW you could try the same approach... Probably not too much problem with water 30+ km's offshore.

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