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Apistogramma trifasciata


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I couldn't help myself the other day and bought a pair of these guys for my planted tank. They are a cute little fish and stay pretty small so they will suit the tank well, I may even get another female within the next few weeks. The male is showing off a lot and the female is starting to hold her own a bit which is good. I think the male has a lot of potential and when he gets older will be very colourful.





male showing off


Redwoods has quite a few more if anyone else is keen :D

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4 Survived from that batch and are doing really well and going through puberty at the mo. Here's a little vid of what I think are two males sorting out who's boss. They had another group of 20+ free swimming fry but they went missing. They've spawned again tonight so hopefully this batch goes like the first.

P.s. If you don't like the music in the video...mute it. :D

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