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How to kill off all snails


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I have a small tank at work and I am going to move the fish in it to my home aquarium over the Christmas break.

This tank is riddled with snails - literally 1000's probably - most tiny and I remove lots every week

Since there will be no fish in the tank I am wondering what I can do to kill off all the snails in a short time.

The tank itself is setup and I do not want to pull the tank down and start from scratch but this could be a possibility.

Aparantly copper is good at killing snails, but how much would one use? and does it work on the snail eggs?

Any ideas appreciated.


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You can put in a pinch of copper sulphate which will kill all snails (and algae too), but still you end up with a stinking mess of dead snails and you will have to do a 100% water change to get rid of the copper sulphate and the dead snails.

It will take at least 7 days to get rid of the snails, first day all adults die and 7 days for the eggs to hatch and hatchlings die when exposed.

I would prefer the loaches method (more organic) where you can add fish as soon as convenient.


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Post some to me! I have 10 hungry snail-eating loaches :)

i have clowns in 1 tank & snails are prevelent in the filter only, in the tank there are none. the clowns wait eagerly at the front of the tank when i remove the canister for cleaning as i tip the snails in once i have drained the bucket. if the tank is small, like 30 to 40 litres maybe a skunk loach or 3 will do the trick.

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i have this problem too but not on such a big scale.....where do they come from? they never seem to grow either!!!!

They generally get into your tank from plants that you buy from Pet Shops.

The snail eggs are like little pin heads in a gell that sticks very well to plants

They grow in my little tank at work quite easily


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