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Tank progression pics!


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Well this is what my 220L looks like after 3 months from being set up. At first I planted lots of different plants because i wasn't sure which would make it with my lighting conditions and gravel. I also wasn't sure which would grow taller or quicker so i just spread them about. Now I've taken out those that were not thriving and also rearranged those that were. I've also added a temporary dark background because I still can't decide whether to go for solid matte black, rocks, mangrove roots, etc...and I got more driftwood!

Please give me some suggestions for any rearrangements/additions and so on. I realize the left corner is a little empty but i'm waiting for the star grass and other plant (forgot the name, but its suppose to grow like a weed) to grow in. The light is not as bright on that side because of the power unit in the light. I have been dosing some flourish excel and flourish but do plan to get a DIY Co2 bottle sometime in the near future. I haven't added any fert balls/tabs yet because i don't want to disturb them while i still move the plants around and make the water cloudy.

Fish: glass cats, neons, longfin black skirt tetras, longfin leopard danios, male guppies, SAE, burmese border loach, 2 bristlenoses (1 albino, 1 normal), 1 F kribensis, and some corries.

Sept 16 - 5 days after setting up the tank


Sept 27


Oct 3 - still without any background


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Thanks N1CK and AquaVitamins :) They are still in there and they hand feed voraciously...hehe.

If the big plant is what I think it is (E. cordifolius) it will grow taller untill all you see is stalks. It might pay to repace it with one of the medium sized Echinodorus sp. or E. uraguayensis if you can get one.

Thanks for the suggestion Alan, its look as though that is the way its headed. I will try to hunt down a different species with a similar look but the bet stores are pretty useless when I asl them about plants :(

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Hehe no worries phoenix.

Yeah glass catfish are awesome! They never show their personalities in the store because they are scared!

Mine like to hunt in the filter current and I like how they can they can turn on a dime! They are also brave enough to hand feed...and one got so excited once when getting fed blood worms that he jumped straight out of the tank. Luckily I was standing 2 feet away :P

I do have 2 bristlenoses in there...does that count as catfish?

I do want a whiptail in the future...

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