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baby brine shrimp


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i am wanting to grow some baby brine shrimp and was reading up what to feed them it sounded so hard but one thing it said was to put the brine shrimp in a window for light would this work?

Who else has grown brine shrimp up? How have you done this? What have you feed them?

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I found I had the most success growing them by not feeding them.

I had my coke bottle hatching BBS in a bucket of water with a heater in it to keep the bottle at the right temp. I strained the bbs out through a net and apparently some slipped through the net into the bucket. They seemed to grow quite happily in the bucket.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I feed mine on no1 liquifry to start with and some of my own receipt made from egg yolk and things.

Also give them spirulina powder on occasions. Make sure you mix these products well with water before feeding.

I believe brewers yeast is also good.

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