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Best Cichlid

Guest Cam

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What would be the best cichlid that gaurds it's babys? I've got kribs and they're really easy but I want to set up BB tank with plenty or rocks and rock caves. I'm thinking about dwarf flags and keyholes at this stage. I want things that are either cave spawners or ones that lay and gaurd their eggs on rocks. I've bred krbs and rams but want a tank that houses few pairs of smallish cichlids or dwarf cichlids that I can watch raise their babies (I'm currently watching my kribs move a group of babies around that have only just become free swimming :bounce: ). If anyone has ideas on what I could have please let me know as I'm keen for some more ideas of some colourful fish.



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I've got kribs and am just waitong for our lfs to get a albino female in then I'll get a pair of albino kribs. What about severums? How big do they get? Are they easy to bred and are the aggro?

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The lfs usually takes most fish but there not that keen on convicts.

I've seen salvani but they get quite large don't they? I'd rather have a pair or 2 of keyholes maybe a pair of severums and something else like dwarf flags. Just something semi easy to breed and raises their own babies

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The tanks 80 x 40 x 40 and will have heaps of rocks to block the veiw of other fish plus heaps of caves. How big do severums get? I did a quick search and they size seems to range from 12 - 20cms but I don't know which to beleive.

What would you recomend putting in there?

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I would have stuck with the apistos it can take a while to figure it all out but once you have figured it out they do well for you and look so awesome..

Failing that you could try some daffidol brichardi or standard brichardi, blue acaras, firemouths maybe even a trio of peacocks or something like that if the africans are what floats your boat..

If you liked kribs and wanted some of these http://www.dwarfcichlid.com/Pelvicachro ... niatus.php they are absolutely stunning, before I cooked my tank full of them they were my favorite fish. Amazing colours even at 2-3cm long..

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Jewels seem to breed like flies. I currently have 2 males together in a tank and a female with one female offspring. Both males have bred together, despite me putting them in a single sex tank and now the mother has fertilized the baby females eggs. No wonder Florida doesn't want these things in the Everglades. There is no stopping these things.

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Well both males are together. Both have fertilized eggs in the past with other females, hence the reason I put them together. The big fish is the mother of the small fish and the small one was the one laying the eggs and the mother fertilizing them. People have tried to tell me that I'm wrong and I must have made a mistake but there is no possible way that could have happened.

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males do not have ovaries. only females do - that's what makes females females.

females do not produce sperm. males have testes or similar and thus produce sperm.

if you have eggs - you have a female.

if you have eggs and babies from those eggs (viable eggs) - a male has fertilised the eggs.

There are no 2 ways about it. Especially since these fish are not hermaphrodites.


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Well both males are together. Both have fertilized eggs in the past with other females, hence the reason I put them together. The big fish is the mother of the small fish and the small one was the one laying the eggs and the mother fertilizing them. People have tried to tell me that I'm wrong and I must have made a mistake but there is no possible way that could have happened.

Can I get your mother's phone number? We need to have a chat about how badly she muddled up giving you the birds and the bees talk...:P

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I'm still liking Keyholes and Dwarf Flags but I also like the Sajicas more than I first did but I don't think our lfs will have them and I don't want to get them shipped. I also really like Severums and Salvanis but they'd get too big for the tank and would probably kill off the other fish once they pair up wouldn't they? Anyone have any more ideas?

Thanks for all the ideas so far guys :hail:

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