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We try hard. The aim is a nice family oriented friendly place where people can come for advice or information without being made to feel stupid or inadequate.

From Caryl

Chimera why is Pies greasing, don't you like my anemone I don't think I will post any more pic's I don't think this attack is funny and it has upset me, as for the other posts same.My new coral pics you asked for will not be forthcoming!! :(

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Fay, please believe me.

There are ppl out there with a weird sense of humour.

I'm sometimes put into that category myself.

But there are also others that really appreciate your tanks, your input, and for me, most of all, your pictures.

They are fabulous, and it would be a shame to see you do this.

Just give the others a "ROLL" :roll: . They back off when no one takes notice.

To some it is a type of bullying and of course to others, it hurts.

Keep the pics coming Fay,

Please, pretty please.

Alan 104

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she wasn't serious surely?! there is nothing insulting about telling someone their anemone looks like spaghetti :D

just read some of alan's posts and you'll see what a dry sense of humour (SOH) some people have... ironically, the same SOH as me :wink: alans posts crack me up laughing at the best of times :lol: oh, and even if I did think it was ugly, its only a personal opinion. i dont care if you post your opinion on anything in my tank - i take it as constructive criticism. if its a personal attack, thats a little different.

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IRA<> My guess is that somesick bastard dyed a pomeranian pink and then drowned it

CRACKER<>Bloddy hell...!!! who dropped that wig in there!!

CHIMERA<>anemone? I thought you'd cooked up some spaghetti

Where were the nice comments its all very well trying to be funny but if you dont want to appear to be nasty they should have followed. I joined this site for fun and Im not laughing. Its not worth it!!!

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as an aside i never ever joke about other peoples tank.... ever... I am almost always impressed with tank piccies and if not keep my mouth shut as its to easy for people to take offence.......

When I do attack someone... both they and the moderaters can normally tell :oops:

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