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Supplies for a 900x300x300 natural aquarium tank


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I am looking for the following, please advice whats the best and where I could it at the best price.

1. an affordable quiet best value for money filter. Should it be a UV filter.

2. Great value for money T5 / Metal Halide Lighting system around 6700K for growing plants. I calculated I would need around 150W of lighting power.

3. CO2 system which works really well and is not growing to break the bank.

4. Fertilizer and nutrients for the plants. I am looking at using sand.

Any advice or help or addtional suggestions would be great.

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Why use a filter at all

What will your stock list be?

I have a tank nearly the same as yours

I have a layer of ferts about a cm deep then a layer of sand about 2 cm deep then a 2-4 cm layer of fine gravel

I am growing an amazon sword and 4 types of crypts and some dwarf sag

I have lights a plenty and it used to have a CO2 injector but I have taken that away

I have NO filtration apart from the plants

I run guppies yes just guppies started with a few now have a few more and the tank has been unchanged for about 7 years I think

do a yearly glass clean and it gets a water change about 3 -4 times a year

I feed little and infrequently.

Only water movement is via thermoconduction of heater pulling water around it as hot h20 rises.

and yes I would like to show you a photo but my camera is crud

if you want natural why do anything else


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Well if you look at a lot of the tanks from off shore they are set up for a short dislpay time then taken down or they have very few fish in them

a big kick ass filter is more hassell than hoff in these types of tanks as they do nothing to create the conditions you are striving to maintain IMHO. however there are as many opinions on that as there are plant keepers so it is up to you and trial or trail and error.

you are better working out a landscape and fish list and working conditions to that.

I for example turned co2 off as it drove my plants and i got odd algaes and unnatural growth. some cats are also ok in my type of set up but others arent due to lo o2 saturations so fish choice is limited.

I choose not to have fish that were "messy" to help reduce need for filter I also feed small amounts to help reduce mulm there fore remove need to vac gravel and mulm settles into gravel easier and self fertilises plants

another thing is to maintain these tanks takes a long time...much like a marine tank

it took me ages to get to a point where i am now as plants had to establish and fill in there fore when i started I did more water changes vacs etc than i do now.

as a mater of fact this tank is much more liek a marine coral tank than a plant tank for me

a little and slowly rather than fast and furrious. just without teh big set up costs...lol

It will be interestingto watch your tank develop

Good luck and keep us up to date

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Try and go for 2 70 MH's. One at each end.

CO2 setup will be around $400 and MH will be around $250 if your lucky.

Go filter less or a small eheim filter(2213), make sure you do disturb the surface with the output or you will have to inject more co2. Use it to polish the water.

Use PMDD and Daltons aquatic mix

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That's extremely different to Natural style. :o

I'm getting okay growth from my glosso using only two T8 30w tube (AL-30D unit) and the Rotala rotundafolia is going nuts. Harigrass is also doing okay.

Check out this thread for my whole setup log on my 90cmx30cmx30cm aquarium. viewtopic.php?f=4&t=41055

It gets better towards the end.

Good luck

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hey, let me start by saying that is a nice size tank to plant.

1. an affordable quiet best value for money filter. Should it be a UV filter.

I would say get something similar to an eheim 2213 / 15 - the filter does not have to be a UV filter.

Great value for money T5 / Metal Halide Lighting system around 6700K for growing plants. I calculated I would need around 150W of lighting power.

A 3ft t5HO lighthood will fit perfectly on top of the tank. Then you need not worry about heat, and what to do with all the heat that a MH creates. you can then choose what spectrum of light you want to use for each of the 2 tubes.

CO2 system which works really well and is not growing to break the bank.

Start off with flourish, and DIY CO2. Unless you have a professional CO2 system, but those are expensive.

Fertilizer and nutrients for the plants. I am looking at using sand.

Daltons propagating sand is nice. not too flash to look at, but the intention is for a layer of plant to cover all the visible surface substrate. flourite is another option but in all honesty is probably not going to be needed. You can then put either daltons aqua mix or JBL aquabasis under a healthy layer of sand.

Under gravel heating may be your thing if you want to add complexity, but another positive dimension to the tank.

Most importantly - what are your visions for this tank?

do you intend for the tank to be rimless? - this will affect your lighting options.

does it have a hood and stand, or just a stand.

where in the house is the tank. Is it against a wall?

I must apologise - my suggestions are seldom cheap, but are effective.

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do you intend for the tank to be rimless? - this will affect your lighting options.

not sure what this means

does it have a hood and stand, or just a stand.

just a stand

where in the house is the tank. Is it against a wall?


I must apologise - my suggestions are seldom cheap, but are effective.

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look up rimless tanks. the light suspends above the tank. that's the beauty of them. these tanks have no bracing.

if it has bracing, the light can sit on the bracing. doesn't look as nice.

t5's are different from t5 HO's (high output) - as i know they (HO) can only be bought from aquarium / pet shops. the 6500K ones will be about $40 max per tube.

the 18000K ones I use are $60+ each. :o

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