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just one more.....lol

Carlos & Siran

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OK so we've just purchased another tank, this one a Sunsun, aprox 190ltrs, in pretty nice nick, though we're hoping to get our other Eheim 2215 fixed for it instead of using the built in filter.

Over the last few months we've wanted to get certain fish only to find they're unsuitable for our community tank so we were hoping to put them all in the new tank.

It comes with fish, most of which will go into the community , except a fancy pleco of some description(unsure of it's identity at this time) and a red tail black.

The others we're hoping to get are:

2 gold angels

2 parkistani loaches

2 convicts

2 silver sharks(though this may change as we weren't expecting the RTB)

and maybe a krebinsis or two

and a ghost knife

Are we breaking any rules here, is there too many fish for this tank? will we end up with just one big fat fish after a few days?

I got a heap of these really cool black volcanic rocks from the water fall at the back of the farm, so we'll use those and a big piece of drift wood for the Pleco.

We would still prefer a well planted tank also.

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with the exception of the sharks, it sounds fine. you will have to sell the ghost when it gets larger - but all should be good.

put a lot of plants in there, and make it look all green and red like with black basalt rock. looks awesome. do you have access to black substrate?

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they do look awesome! will get some of my own once I remove the clowns we already have in the tank.

I would of got these but they get slightly too big for my tank :( so I got zebra loaches instead :D

One thing if you're planning on planting plants with no roots (like stem plants) leave the loaches out for a while as they aren't exactly gentle (after trying to keep some plants in for the gajillionth time :roll: :lol: )

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I could be wrong (I am no expert) but I think that those are botia type loaches and as such they are shoaling so you should have a group of 5 or more.

Someone correct me if I am wrong... :roll:

You're right :D, although most (not all) loaches are in fact schoolling fish

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  • 5 weeks later...

here's an update, in order to settle the shark down we decided to change things completely, so I raided the water fall again and have gone for a more rock themed setup (we've hidden a nice piece of wood round the back for the pleco) The moss was all over the rocks at the waterfall so we decided to leave it on and just see whether it will adjust to the temp change, cause it looks so cool.



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