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What an Awesome night. Animal lovers beware.


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Ok so me and my drove up north to Dome Valley so shoot some possums or rabbits, anything that moves really. Only saw 1 possum, which aint going to feed us.

So on the way home went down some random as dirt road in the middle of no where, near forestry, and on the side of the road was the biggest rabbit I have ever seen (apart from those massive pet ones), So of course we get the gun out and load it up, and get it.

the next thing these random as locals are chasing us, so I just drove back Auckland. (after the car wouldn't start, stupid alarm, dont by a mongoose)

sitting at home drinking some woodstock, wondering why I'm not leading in the POTM poll, and 4 Cops cars roll up to my place with arm defends squad, and they raid my place(which i share with my dear old gran), with Assult rifles and tasers :o

One of the cops looked under bed, then later I was like "here you looked under my bed aye...there is a BB gun under there (which the cop missed)" So they were super stoked with my honesty

Anyways they left and went to my mates.

Not sure if we did anything wrong, but I guess time will tell. :roll:

Still a bit of excitement :bounce:

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so what did you omit from the story that got those random as locals to call the cops who in turn called the arm defenders squad armed with Assult rifles and tasers to raid your place which you share with your dear old gran,

Ok so me and my drove up north to Dome Valley so shoot some possums or rabbits,, anything that moves really.

sounds like an unplanned trip to shoot up the countryside

So on the way home went down some random as dirt road in the middle of no where,

not too many roads left that don't have someone living on them, and it is hard at night to ascertain what is behind your target or how close housing is

the next thing these random as locals are chasing us,

what made them chase you?

Not sure if we did anything wrong, but I guess time will tell.

time will tell, you may get stung for the cost of the callout at the least or possibly a loss of firearms license

in todays world of driveby shootings, recent standoffs with cops etc random shots in the middle of the night near housing will usually provoke a call to police

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I should know these things but...

isnt it illeagal to have a loaded wepon in a vehicle

isnt it ill logical to not identify whats behind your target ( thats why spotlighting is discouraged) but yes I have done that so no throwing stones there

isnt it illeagal to fire a firearm within 200 m of a access way or road?

isnt it stupid to randomly go down a road without knowing what is down that road what is on either side of that road or without seeking landowners permission.

and I wonder why after 25 years of hunting it is becoming harder and harder to find places to go and be welcomed like in the ol days

go figure

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Yeah this does tarnish the reputation of hunters. It would basically strip me of 70% of my income if I couldnt go hunting anymore. Try be a little careful and considerate. You really need to make sure you know where you are going to be hunting and dont shoot off roads. If i were you I would find a friend with a farm. I hope it doesnt turn into too much of a mess for you and that you learnt a little something from it all. BTW your lucky some locals just chased you, i know of a few instances similar to this where the local shot back.

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As a bit of an aside it reminds me of the farmer who got realy sick of people having a picnic on his farm without asking. After getting rego and looking it up he took his family and barby into the city and had a picnic on the persons front lawn. When they got excited he produced photos of them on his lawn. Took a while but they got the message eventually.

Hope the farmer doesn't come and shoot up your back yard because they do know where you and your dear ol granny live.

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Yeah I heard about that alanmin made me laugh serves the city folk right though. This is quite lucky you were where you were too, I know many places where your tyres would have been shot out at the very least. Not to mention what would happen when they got closer. The thing with hunting is, there are very few places you can go hunting without a permit, or permission from the land owner. You probably bit off a little more then you can chew posting this here, but I hope it helps put things into perspecitve a bit. We all make mistakes the idea is to learn from them :)

I hope it didnt stress out your Nan too much, grandparents are to be honered and respected, I live with mine have since my grandfather passed, and shes had to deal with police coming to serve me a summons twice, wasnt nice for either of us!

If you get away with this without any warning or charges (hope you still have diversion) I can help you organise a hunting trip so you can get a feel for what needs to be done and what shouldnt be done.

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OK we didn't have a loaded gun in the car...we weren't just driving down the rd shooting up the neighbour hood.

We didn't shoot from the car, or near it.

And we didn't realise we were still on a rd... well a road road, it was like the hell gravel rd, with all the forestry signs.

we didn't really go to shoot anything that moved, we saw like 10phesants we could have knocked off easy, we were more looking for Goats, for another trip.

the locals thought we were stealing live stock...we didn't even see any live stock, but i guess they have a problem with that up there.

There was like 10m bank behind where we shot. which was next to the big gate to stop people entering the forestry, which i'm sure no one lives in.

Didn't omit anything, shot it one bullet didn't die, so shot it once more. picked it up threw it in the boot, drove the end of the rd (there were houses further up the rd on the other side).

And we didn't drive down this rd with intention of shooting anything

this is where we were look at ALL the houses


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Ok makes things a little clearer, something must have upset them enough to chase you and report your plates to the police though. Another thing a kiwi hunter has to be aware and prepared for is illegal crops, this could be another reason you got chased .

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