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Help setting up a planted aquarium


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As I say, I only just set it up yesterday with some left over plants so it's not great but it gives you an idea of what you could turn you tank into.

I'll get some pics later tonight hopefully.

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I couldn't be bothered reading all the replies to you question so I'll just have a go at answering it :wink::D . Your tank already has good plants (those swords look good). First thing I'd do if get some black gravel. Even if you mix it with your white stuff. Then plant your tallest plants (the swords ) in the 2 back corners and place a few rocks in front of them to make it a bit more natural and then go to your lfs and get some sort of low growing plant (dwarf sag or hair grass) is pretty simple to grow then plant thayt around in the front empty space of your tank and leave a bit of room in the front for you fish to swim in. Then just dose your tank with a bit of flourish exel weekly and you'll, have a natural good looking tank thats simple to look after and looks good. Another thing for planted tanks is your Fish you have in it, I prefer 2 or 3 types of schooling fish and a few focal fish like rams and then have a cory or loach for the bottom.

If you want I can post a pic of my community semi planted tank I redone yesterday. The only thing is I have Black Beard Algae on some of my plants that will eventually go with flourish but at the moment looks a bit ugly

Heh. I do that all the time. I'm going to get the Mrs to do the planning, since she has an artistic bent and I'll definitely dose with flourish excel.

You reckon rams are okay in a 60l with a gourami and platies? I quite like rams.

Cheers dude :)

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Ok, so this is an option I found on trademe for the lighting. I asked the guy and he said that is gave out 7500kelvin (cool daylight). Would this be something I should purchase:

http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing ... =249114831

The Ad:

T52LO(60cm) 14W*2

T5 Fluorescent Lighting Fixture



60cm x 11cm x 10cm (LxWxH)

include 2x 14W T5 fluorescent tubes

28 watts total power

2 Power Switch

1 Power Cord

Black, non corrosive power coated aluminum housing

Slim profile design - only 2" tall

Highly polished reflector

Mounting brackets

Splash Guard


Cheers guys :)

We getting pics of your tank Cam?

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low output.

70 smackeroons for 28W of light. bit steep.

I don't mind spending $70-100 here; to get the lights stress free without thinking - it's the whole aspect of the fishies I don't actually enjoy, because I don't understand it (electronics/etc).

But I want something decent for my money, so if 28W doesn't cut it... I shall continue looking. Doesn't that mean I need four lights then? I thought the watts was almost defined by lenth? Aim I wrong.

Cheers for the reply :)

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Or do what I did on my 2 footer. Spend $40 on getting 4x18w T8's wired together with a plug. Can PM you his details if you like?

You have a dude who did it for you Sam? Is he a qualified electrician?

I have nightmares of my house burning down around me, with my better half crying "those bloody fish!", my insurance void due to a half assed job... this is all first home paranoia no doubt.... :)

Also, is he able to hook it up to some kind of brace? This is why I have been looking at these 'systems', because they contain a brace to connect them to the fish tank.

Enough late night waffle, yes, can you please PM me his details?

Cheers Sam

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Why not just try eco bulbs? I swapped out my halide this year for my carnivorous plants, with ecos, power consumption is way down, and Im getting all the same growth results.

I wouldn't have a clue to hook anything up - the problem is - any lights I get won't be able to fit in my current hood, so I will be removing the hood, and I need to be able to get a whole 'system' to place on the tank, without me assembling bits and pieces (cos I suck).

Cheers for the idea :)

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I wouldn't have a clue to hook anything up - the problem is - any lights I get won't be able to fit in my current hood, so I will be removing the hood, and I need to be able to get a whole 'system' to place on the tank, without me assembling bits and pieces (cos I suck).

Cheers for the idea :)

hehe I can understand this completely, my brain hurt after setting up my grow box. But fittings are availible from bunnings and all are marked very well and quite easy to understand.

I got an aq-20 from lps for well under half what your thinking of paying for the t5s and it was no fuss installation. There wasnt anything to assemble for me, but on a new one I think you need to remove some kind of protective paper over the perspecs splash guard. I dont know how you would fit this into a hood though, as I dont have hood just glass lids to i suspended my lighting from the roof, before that I just sat it on top of the glass lids with no trouble.

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I don't mind spending $70-100 here; to get the lights stress free without thinking - it's the whole aspect of the fishies I don't actually enjoy, because I don't understand it (electronics/etc).

But I want something decent for my money, so if 28W doesn't cut it... I shall continue looking. Doesn't that mean I need four lights then? I thought the watts was almost defined by lenth? Aim I wrong.

Cheers for the reply :)

yeah but 28W LO t5's may not cut it. you are better off getting more t8's for the same price.

or get 4 t5's. try hunting on there for something with more grunt. have a nosey around the fish shops too...

but lighting is one part of the growing plants dilemma.

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The whole watts per gallon thing to me is pretty much rubbish. What matters is the actual light output. Distance from the plants, depth of water needed to be penetrated, hours of light generated and the type of light. When dealing with flouros the length does not realy matter if the light tube goes the length of the tank. The light from a 1200mm tube over a 1200mm tank (38 watts) is pretty similar to the light from a 600mm tube (18 watts) over a 600mm tank. You get about 10 watts per foot of tube.

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The whole watts per gallon thing to me is pretty much rubbish. What matters is the actual light output. Distance from the plants, depth of water needed to be penetrated, hours of light generated and the type of light. When dealing with flouros the length does not realy matter if the light tube goes the length of the tank. The light from a 1200mm tube over a 1200mm tank (38 watts) is pretty similar to the light from a 600mm tube (18 watts) over a 600mm tank. You get about 10 watts per foot of tube.


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I agree with Alan also here, whilst I usually quote the Fitch family link for a guide to watts per gallon, which is based on a study of Amano's tanks, it does not take into account the dimensions of the tank, only concerning itself with watts per gallon.

There is a vast difference between a 54 litre tank that is only 300mm deep, compared to the same literage tank being 600mm high.

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I agree with Alan also here, whilst I usually quote the Fitch family link for a guide to watts per gallon, which is based on a study of Amano's tanks, it does not take into account the dimensions of the tank, only concerning itself with watts per gallon.

There is a vast difference between a 54 litre tank that is only 300mm deep, compared to the same literage tank being 600mm high.

the second one is about 90L :D, Mines almost that high

How would YOU light each of those tank Zev? Maybe give an example? :wink:

The lighting depends on what kind of plants you want, High light plants might need only 36w in the 54L tank but an extra bulb in the 600high.....

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There is a guy down here (who shall remain nameless) who grows plants requiring high light like Ludwigia arcuata in troughs with about 150mm of water and double flouros only just clear of the water. Others prefer metal halides over a tank a little deeper. There is another guy who grows them submersed in a virtual glasshouse with flouros as well. I just grow them emersed under natural light in a glasshouse. With strong light you are wanting strong growth so you need CO2 and ferts as well as these are the 3 building blocks for growth.

You pays your money and you takes your pick.

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the second one is about 90L :D, Mines almost that high

The lighting depends on what kind of plants you want, High light plants might need only 36w in the 54L tank but an extra bulb in the 600high.....

Your'e talking to the wrong person here :wink:

I have several 54 ish litre tanks in the standard 600l x 300w x 300h config.

One has two 15w fluro tubes, one grolux and one Philips Aquasky 6500k

This tank grows Ambulia and Java fern quite well - this setup is quite old and needs a revamp

I have two tanks that have single 18w Philips 865 cool daylight tube over them, one has a massive wad of Java moss and a few Java fern floating around in it, and Riccia on the top, which is not exactly flourishing, but it is not dying either. The other is a Hillstream Loach biotope with several varieties of Crypt growing quiet well in it.

The last tank has two 36w 6500k PL lamps - I have just reset this tank up after turfing out most of the guppies, Riccia and Rotala rotundifolia that were growing rampantly in there.

The following are growing well - Microsorum pteropus 'Windelov', Microsorum pteropus 'Narrow', Heteranthera zosteraefolia, Hygrophila polysperma 'Rosanervig', Riccia fluitans (which I could not get out of the tank, and it is stuck on everything and growing little rosettes everywhere), Echinodorus leopard and an Aponogeton that I thought had perished a year ago, but has sprouted out of the substrate (Dalton's propogating sand).

Nutrafin Co2 system and dose with Flourish - haven't quite got the rate correct yet, and it has a bit of green hair algae on the java moss.

Don't ask for a pic - there is too much BBA that I am trying to get rid of from the previous setup...

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Thanks for the replies everyone - I'm doing some more 'light investigating' and will come ask for clarification here once I have 'decided' on something. I figure:

1) I can buy 2x the system I listed above. Which may be expensive, but oh so easy... and I just came into a little spare cash.

2) I can hire someone with some expertise to help out.

3) Enlisted Dad to see if we can buy the fittings, lights from Bunnings/Mitre Ten, and see if we can do a little DIY job.

Thank you for all your help - been a most generous forum.

Will come on in a couple of days with my thoughts and will def. post pictures once I get it all started!

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