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Daughters having a 18th b'day party at home tonight (security on site) and Brenda and I did what all good parent should do when having to put up with 50 seventeen to nineteen year olds, we ran for the hills of Coromandel. Ive worked like a slave yesterday and today so as neither of us wanted to cook, we went out for an early dinner.

We had not had a meal at the "bottom pub" before so called in there.

Only 4 mains but they sounded great although a little pricey for a pub. Not really a pub, more of a attached resturant. We both decided to forgo an entre but had garlic bread. We both had steak for our mains. Now these steaks were $35 (as mentioned, not really a pub meal) but they were probably 30 to 35mm thick and cooked perfectly. The garlic bread was the best I have ever had and wasnt strong enough to enjoy the next day and the orange and almond pudding I had was also perfect.

If your in the Coromandel town and want a meal of absolute delight, I really recomend "lure Resturant"

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Have eaten there before Barrie and you are right its pretty good quality. Service wasn't bad either. We were there on the saturday before last while down at the bach (matarangi)

I wasnt too sure if it was aimed at the local coro folk though or more the tourists or Aucklanders down there at their holiday homes

Hope the party goes ok - PM me the address Barrie - more than happy to pop in and check all is as it should be :wink:

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Sweet we are heading to the Coromandel in Jan. I will add it to my little list of things to do!

When? I hope to be here untill mid Jan

How old do you think i am? :o

anything older than 19 old fella

How busy was it? Was pretty quiet when we were there but like you we ate pretty early

Have a look at the time of my post, we were there at 5pm so we could get home in time for the bird program on TV1

At 6.30 when we left there were about 5 other tables filled and most people dine out from 6.30 to 7.30 seating. Dont think a small town like Coromandel that has 5 nice resturants would be flat out on a non special weekend but hopefully they get enough trade to make it all worth while

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Yeah had guessed you had eaten early Barrie based on the time of your post.

Things should only pick up for them with summer approaching. Those outside of peak season months must be the tough ones for the establishments like that down there.

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When you think of it, they have only a period of 6 weeks at Christmas and a few other weekends that they can possibly do well.

I always support and am happy to pay a little more in order to make sure smaller town bussinesses are still open the following year.

Its not all about the cheapest deal.

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