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aquaone lights - changing tubes?


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A few months ago i changed a bulb on a double tube aquaone lighthood, and it was a horrible 2 hour mission. There isn't (as far as i can see) anyway to get the cover off without unscrewing the end cap, and once you do that the parts that the tubes go into move around, so its near impossible to get it back on with everything in the right place balanced carefully.

So now that i need to change another one, is there some proper way of doing it? I'm sure its not supposed to be as hard as it was, but i couldn't for the life of me see any other way to do it. They're such common lights someone must have been through this?

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There isn't (as far as i can see) anyway to get the cover off without unscrewing the end cap

Hi Twinkles, do you mean the perspex cover?

If so, one of the ends has two black plastic screws. If you turn these round slightly then the black cover lifts up, you slide out the perspex and you can access the lights.

If this doesn't make sense I can try to explain it better :D or take photos to explain

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yeah well, unscrew an end next time and see how long it takes :wink:

i could have done it quicker, but the man came along and took over for an hour and a half, once he finally gave up i got a good look at it and figured how to balance it all upside down lol

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