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glass looking film over my malawis eye???? help


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50/50 over if it will fix itself I don't leave it to chance anymore as I lost a few fishes eyes when it didn't come right.. Water changes and salt in the water helps.

The best way I found to treat the fish is to drop meth blue directly into they eye once or twice a day, this is basically to stop fungus getting into the damaged eye before it can heal otherwise the eye rots out.

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ok thanks for that ill have to get some tomo do ya get it from a petshop??

50/50 over if it will fix itself I don't leave it to chance anymore as I lost a few fishes eyes when it didn't come right.. Water changes and salt in the water helps.

The best way I found to treat the fish is to drop meth blue directly into they eye once or twice a day, this is basically to stop fungus getting into the damaged eye before it can heal otherwise the eye rots out.

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ok so ive dosed him today how many days do i treat him?

50/50 over if it will fix itself I don't leave it to chance anymore as I lost a few fishes eyes when it didn't come right.. Water changes and salt in the water helps.

The best way I found to treat the fish is to drop meth blue directly into they eye once or twice a day, this is basically to stop fungus getting into the damaged eye before it can heal otherwise the eye rots out.

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